Saturday 19 March 2011

Some Samui pictures from 7 years ago

Some Samui pictures from 7 years ago

To be precise, these pictures were taken on 04-04-04, almost 7 to the date 7 years ago!
A lot has changed in the meantime and especially for folks living on Samui this long it may or will be a trip down memory lane, for the newer visitors, it hopefully shows some of the charm that Samui had and still has although you gotta look harder for it.

Soi Green mango during the daytime, recognize any bars? On the right side is now Henry's Africa

The road from the airport to Plai Laem market, on the left is now the Bangkok Air catering building

The T-crossing at Chaweng lake.

The same crossing looking direction ring road

With a 7-11 behind my right shoulder, my back is to the short cut to Chaweng or the road to the departures at Samui airport, the road you're looking at leads to the arrivals area

Hope you enjoyed these pictures, I've got plenty more of these older pictures and they are fun to look at!



Eric said...

Funny, I've was coming here since 2000 before I lived here and you forget how beautiful some of the spots were that have been built on now. I like the old Samui better!


Camille said...

Wish I had more pix when I got here the first time, 12 years ago! This is about as far back I go with digi pix.

Rik said...

Keep them coming Camille. I came here 8 years ago and nearly forgot how stunning Samui was at the time! Still love the island though!

Camille said...

Same here Rik, still love Samui but it did look better back in the days ;-)