Welcome to the original Koh Samui info and weather blog with lots of information on things to do and see around tropical island destination Koh Samui in Thailand including weekly weather updates, brought to you by long term resident Camille Lemmens since February 2007.
Monday, 30 November 2009
Goodbye to November 2009
It was an amazing month indeed! In my 10 years here, I can only think of one similar time, a few years back, before my blogging days, when there was also almost no rain during both November and December.
Just looking and browsing through the November 2008 and 2007 versions gives you an idea how it usually is during November.
For the tourists that visited Samui during November, it was a great month and experience indeed, I think we had exactly one day in early November with monsoon like conditions and rain almost all day and around mid November there was some rain, when I was on an almost dry Koh Tao.
For the people living on Koh Samui, locals and expats alike, the situation is different though, the monsoon or November rain is supposed to fill up the wells and adjust the water ground levels. Obviously that didn't happen during this month and consequently there will be a shortage of ground water, which can cause problems all the way up to May/June next year.
For us living here,w e can only hope that December will bring some rain, although the forecasts don't look that good right now.
I'm glad that I could get two more restaurant reviews up this month, Tang in Nathon and Little Holland in Chaweng. November also saw the yearly Loy Kratong festival and I was also very glad to at last make it to the Magic Garden in the Lamai mountains.
Thanks for visiting my blog and hope to see you next back next month in December!
30th November, 2009
The last day of November 2009 starts in a splendid way with sunshine in an almost clear blue sky with a current temp of 24.8C at 7am.
Yesterday was a lovely day, including some dives on Chaweng reef where we spotted a small Grey Bamboo shark, very unusual.
It was a warm and sunny all day long with a max temp of 31.5C.
Sunday, 29 November 2009
Little Holland bar & restaurant, Chaweng north
This restaurant has since closed it's doors
Tarmac, here we come!
Having reported earlier on the bad state and safety of the roads around Samui, there's some good news at last. Since about 6 months or maybe even longer, the Nathon beach road has received a tarmac surface.
Road construction between Lamai and Hua Thanon
This tarmac surface is now being extended all around the island and a start has been made between Hua Thanon and Lamai. Hopefully this tarmac layer will prevent the current potholes and cracks around the ring road and all secondary roads around the island.
It makes for a lovely driving experience and your car isn't bouncing along the roads anymore and on a bike you don't have to look out for potholes all the time. The only downside I can see is that because of the great surface, both cars and motorbikes will speed even more than they to currently do.
Other than, Tessabaan, congrats to a job well done and I seriously hope the progress on this project will continue as scheduled and somewhere next year the whole of the island has a nice tarmac layer!
29th November, 2009
The almost unbelievable good November weather holds on with some overcast and blue spots in between the clouds and a current temp at 7am of 25C.
The nights are getting colder but the day times are still warm, yesterday 31.9C, not bad for one of the last November days on Samui!
The rain is predicted once more, late next week, let's see. Wouldn't surprise if the rain will come in December, it has to come, hopefully!
Saturday, 28 November 2009
Magic Garden, Lamai
Magic Garden, Lamai
One of the reasons I finally got around visiting this place, is that since very shortly, it's been more accessible than ever before. Directly opposite Wat Kunaram with it's mummified monk, near Lamai is now a brand new road that leads through the very steep hills to the Magic or Buddha Garden, see the sign above. You can't really miss it. In typical Thai fashion, there are no pre-warning or other signs though, if you miss it, that's it!
The "Magic Garden" or "Secret Buddha Garden" is located in the hills of Samui. A Samuian fruit farmer, Nim Thongsuk, started to build the garden in 1976 when he was 77 years old.
Once inside the magic garden, after having paid an 80,-THB admission fee, you enter a beautiful piece of nature with small, miniature waterfalls and small statues are all over the place. It's a fantastic transition into a different world, walking down the stairs to the actual 'garden'.
I'm pretty sure that all the statues have meanings but it's difficult to near impossible to find out their (Buddhist?) meaning since there are no guides or brochures with an explanation. Near the entrance is a small sitting area with the typical Samui souvenirs but unfortunately with no actual information on the Garden.
Please do 'like' my Koh Samui blog Facebook page and enjoy the beaches around the island or in front of your hotel or resort and get some well deserved rest and a break. If you're done resting or need something else to do, there's plenty of things on offer on and around Koh Samui, you can go snorkeling or diving or take a dive course. You can also enjoy some of the trips I recommend, like a half day gourmet lunch and snorkeling trip at the Southern part of Koh Samui or a photography trip where you get to see the most photo genetic spots on the island or go for a drinks tasting tour if you like a tipple or two.
Contact me for more detailed information on any of the options mentioned.
If you like to donate to this blog, use this secure link PayPal.Me/CamilleLemmens.
28th November, 2009
This month went by like a flash, it's already the last weekend in November and the amazing weather holds on with once more a lovely blue sky over Samui however with a 'chilly' 23C current temp at 7am.
Yesterday saw the same ol' same ol', sunny and warm, a max temp of 30.5C.
Friday, 27 November 2009
Renew or obtain a Thai drivers license, an experience
One of the things you need is a letter from Immigration, stating that you behaved well and hence can apply for a drivers license. Cost; 500,-THB. If you don't know anybody at immigration, this may take a couple of hours to get sorted, renewing your license is something for the next day.

27th November, 2009
Fairly cloudy with plenty of blue spots this morning. Current temp at 7am is 26.3C.
Yesterday saw a lovely sunshine filled day, once more not a single drop of rain. Max temp reached 29.5C.
Thursday, 26 November 2009
Tang Restaurant, Nathon
It's been a while again since I posted a restaurant review on one of Samui's restaurants, but today it's time again for an all time fave in Nathon. Tang restaurant is simple, has good tasting Thai food and is cheap. What more could you want.
Many times during the daytime when in Nathon and we need or want to eat, we come to Trang's.
26th November, 2009
A very blue sky with some clouds on the edges rules surprisingly over Samui this morning with a max temp of only 23.3C, which is a drop compared to previous days.
Yesterday saw once more a lovely day with flat seas and plenty of sunshine and a max temp of around 30C.
Wednesday, 25 November 2009
25th November, 2009
The strangest thing happened overnight, the nonstop rain for a whole week that should start over the weekend and and the one day storm raging over Samui just vanished overnight on the forecasts and it all looks nice and dandy again.
Unfortunately this is a reason to worry for the people that live on Samui since all water wells will run dry very soon.
Today's it looks nice, a blue sky laced with plenty of white clouds and a current temp at 7am of around 26C
Yesterday saw more of the same, no rain and plenty of sunshine with a moderate wind in the morning. max temp reached around 30C.
Tuesday, 24 November 2009
24th November, 2009
It's cloudy and the sun is trying hard to break through but right now that sun is looking very bleak, however, last week I saw similar days and in an hour or so the sun probably will break through when it's heated up enough and the blue spots grow in size. Current temp at 7am is 26.3C
Yesterday saw once more a dry day and plenty of sunshine with a max temp of 30.1C
This coming Friday lots of rain are predicted for the following week, with a massive storm during Friday.
Monday, 23 November 2009
23rd November, 2009
It's more clouded than previous days but it still doesn't look like some serious is to come down on Samui. Current temp at 7am is 26.4C
Yesterday's morning clouds turned into very blue skies early on and there was no rain, once again but plenty of strong wind. Max temp reached 29.3C
Sunday, 22 November 2009
22nd November, 2009
Cloudy and very windy with a current temp of 26.9C.
Yesterday saw a lovely day with plenty of sunshine between the cloud layers. Max temp reached 30.2C and once more no rain.
Saturday, 21 November 2009
21st November, 2009
It's the same mixed bag as yesterday, a partly clouded sky with plenty of blue patches, there just seems to be a stronger wind compared to yesterday. Current temp at 7am is 27.5C
Yesterday saw a surprisingly nice and sunny day and no rain at all. Sometimes the clouds looked threatening but it stayed dry. Max temp reached 30.5C.
Friday, 20 November 2009
20th November, 2009
It's a bit of a mixed bag with bits and pieces of blue skies and lots of heavy, dark clouds. It's good to be back on Samui though. Current temp at 7am is 28C.
Yesterday saw dry days on both Samui and Koh Tao. Max temp reached 29.8C.
Thursday, 19 November 2009
19th November, 2009
More clouds than blue sky over Koh Tao but, there is still blue sky! Current temp at 7am is 25C.
yesterday saw one or two showers over Koh Tao and plenty of blue skies but Samui was swamped in rain yesterday and several flights couldn't land on Koh Samui yesterday after 5pm.
Max temp reached 29.3C.
Wednesday, 18 November 2009
18th November, 2009
Koh Tao is looking a lot better than the prediction would make us believe, the sun is out and about although there are also big grey clouds surrounding the sun. The current temp at 7 am is 26.3C.
Yesterday saw a little bit of rain on Koh Tao during the day time and it wasn't too bad, it actually rained only once. Max temp reached 27.5C which is a steep drop compared to the rest of the month.
Tuesday, 17 November 2009
17th November, 2009
It's cloudy and sunshine this morning, it seems the rainy season is knocking at Samui's door. Current temp at 7am is 26.6C.
Yesterday was once more a lovely day and with a max temp of 32.6C, very warm indeed. It seems we have to brace ourselves for some rain during the coming week.
First I'm off to Koh Tao though for a couple of days to give moral support to my IDC candidates during their PADI IE.
Monday, 16 November 2009
16th November, 2009
The sun is out and about again although some heavy and big clouds are around. Current temp at 7am is 27C.
Yesterday was sunny, dry and warm all day long with a max temp of 30.5C.
Tomorrow I'm off to Koh Tao for a couple of nights for a PADI IE.
Sunday, 15 November 2009
15th November, 2009
Another unusual blue November sky is shaping up with a current temp at 7am of 25C.
Enjoy it whilst it lasts, since Wednesday wind and rain are predicted for several days in a row.
Yesterday saw another dry day with lots of sunshine and a max temp of 31C.
Saturday, 14 November 2009
14th November, 2009
A bit more cloudy than previous days but still it looks like the start of a nice day. Current temp at 7am is 25C
Yesterday saw another beautiful, dry and unusual November day with a max temp of 31C.
Friday, 13 November 2009
13th November, 2009
Friday the 13th but no full moon and the weather remains gorgeous for November, a blue sky with just a few clouds in it and a current temp at 7am of 27.5C.
Yesterday was a lovely day with blue skies all day long and a max temp of 30.8C.
We're also about to finish the current IDC, have a look at my dive blog for an update.
Thursday, 12 November 2009
12th November, 2009
More blue skies are over Samui with a current temp at 7am of 28.1C.
Yesterday was sunny and without rain with a max temp of 31C.
Wednesday, 11 November 2009
The yearly reminder, don't drown on your holiday!

11th November, 2009
Once more a for this time of the year rather unusual blue sky is shaping up with some nice and dramatic big white clouds in the background. Current temp at 7am is 25.7C.
Today is also armistice day, the day World War I ended on the Western front.
Yesterday saw lots of sunshine and the time we spend on Chaweng Beach as part of the current IDC had me slightly sun burned.
Max temp reached 30.4C.
Tuesday, 10 November 2009
10th November, 2009
A blue sky is shaping up, right now it's a bit hazy but once the sun gets burning, the clouds may disappear swiftly. Current temp at 7am is 25.1C.
Yesterday saw plenty of sunshine with just one shower around 1pm. Max temp reached 30.3C.
Monday, 9 November 2009
9th November, 2009
Lots of blue sky together with cloud formations and a current temp at 7am of 25.3C. The prediction for the next 7 days is sunny and no rain.
Rather a strange prediction this time of the year when we expect and also need rain to fill the water wells that most houses have on the island. Especially strange considering the fact that in the deep South of Thailand six people are killed as floods wreak havoc in seven provinces.
Yesterday saw rain in the morning and it dried up in the afternoon, still cloudy but dry! Max temp reached 27.7C.
Sunday, 8 November 2009
8th November, 2009
It's raining again, just started about half an hour ago, around 6.30am. Current temp at 7am is 24.5C.
Yesterday saw lots of rain during the morning but it dried up in the afternoon with some occasional drizzle. The amount of rain was only 75.3mm afor the day. Strangely enough the weather forecast of Windguru predicts sunny skies and hardly any rain for the rest of the week, except for the current day and this seems to be move on day by day it seems like.
Max temp reached 28.7C.
Saturday, 7 November 2009
7th November, 2009
It's very cloudy and since 6am it's raining cats and dogs with a prediction of rain all day long for today but no rain for the rest of next week. Current temp at 7am is 25.4C.
Yesterday started out cloudy but before 8am all clouds were pretty much gone and we had a sunny day all day long. Very surprising indeed. Max temp reached 31.5C.
Friday, 6 November 2009
6th November, 2009
It's cloudy this morning and no sign of sunshine with a current temp at 7 am of 28.7C.
There's a warning for 10 southern provinces, including Surat Thani for "Heavy rain and strong wind-wave" by the Thai Meteorological Department.
Yesterday was a lovely day, strong wind but sunshine all day long and no rain. A very surprising day when probably all on the island expected the monsoon to start full on. Max temp reached 30.5C.
Yesterday the current IDC was well on it's way.
Thursday, 5 November 2009
5th November, 2009
The sky broke open this morning and it's a surprising mixed bag of blue sky and clouds with a whooping current temp of 28.2C. There's a strong wind though.
Yesterday saw all morning long rain until just after noon. It stayed dry after but there was 125mm of rain yesterday. Max temp reached 28.2C.
All ferries to Koh Tao were cancelled two days ago, actually both the ferries, the Seatran and Lomprayah didn't leave Koh Tao due to the massive big waves on Tuesday and everybody is still stranded on Koh Tao.
Wednesday, 4 November 2009
4th November, 2009
The rainy season or monsoon has started, like clockwork according to Windguru's predictions. Rain's coming down in heaps and nonstop, sometimes it drizzles and sometimes it just pours.
It will be interesting to see if the all the efforts of the new Tessabaan with the road construction and improvement will work. Last year there was plenty of flooding, which I expect now as well, but the difference with previous years is that they only last for a few hours compared to a couple of days. Definitely time to get the good old rain protection out of the closet!
Current temp at 7am is 25C.
Yesterday was still a dry day in the northern parts of the island although during the night the rain started in all seriousness. A couple of times I woke up because of the intensity of the downpour. A total of 50mm came down already.
With Imad I started an IDCS course yesterday and a new IDC starts today.
Max temp reached 30C.
Tuesday, 3 November 2009
3rd November, 2009
It's a fairly blue sky with some occasional clouds in it, but the predicted strong wind has arrived and rain is expected later this afternoon. Current temp at 7am is 28.3C.
Yesterday saw a blue-ish sky with overcast all day long but no rain. Max temp reached 31.5C.
Yesterday we also celebrated the Loy Krathong festival and to show it's importance to the Thai people, HM the King also came out in the Siriraj hopsital in Bangkok, where he is admitted since October 23rd and this is only his 2nd public appearance since he was admitted.
Monday, 2 November 2009
Loy Krathong 2009
As usual this year's edition of Loy Krathong, a big Thai celebration was held at Wat Plai Laem and this time around I'm on Koh Samui, in contrast to last year when I was on Koh Tao.
This this years family Krathong, made by my wife's younger sister and Mother in law.
As described in a previous post, there was ample chance to connect with more divine spirits. All the red flags are hanging on white ropes that somehow are all connected and lead back to the monks praying space/area.
Update on International School of Tourism, part of Surat Thani's Rajabaht University, Chaweng
It's indeed time for an update since for over a year nothing has happened, see my post from July 2008.
Recently I received this update from ajarn Jennifer Lloyd;
Dear Camille and other interested readers,
I have been directed to this blog by a number of people who have seen your information about the opening of Suratthani Rajabhat University, International School of Tourism Campus.
Since 2005 I have been employed at Suratthani Rajabhat University as an English teacher and the International Relations Officer for the foriegn teachers on campus.
I would like to set rumours straight with regards to the opening of the Samui campus. It will open no earlier than the end of 2010. Due to unforseen circumstances it has been delayed on a number of occasions.
I know from my own visits to Samui and friends who live on the island that rumours are rife about the opening of the campus, so I hope my message helps.
Anyone interested in applying for future positions should send thier C.V and credentials to:
Suratthani Rajabhat University, International School of Tourism, 272 Moo 9, Tambon Khunthalay, Amphur Muang Suratthani, 84100.
Please mark for the attention of The Dean or Ajarn Jennifer Lloyd. Alternatively you can send it by email to jklloyd@sru.ac.th.
When the time comes for recruitment to start for the Samui campus all applicants on file will be contacted.
I hope this helps.
Kind Regards
Ajarn Jennifer Lloyd
2nd November, 2009
Some sunshine finds it's way through big cloud formations, it's going to be an interesting day. Current temp at 7am is 28C.
Today school starts again for my children after a month long break.
Yesterday saw another lovely day with plenty of sunshine and a great days diving at Sail Rock, my dive blog has some great pix. Max temp reached 30.9C.
Sunday, 1 November 2009
Welcome to November 2009
A new month is on the rise and it's the wet month. As of mid week the rain is announced to arrive on Samui and just like in previous editions of November, better get your rain coats out. This is officially the monsoon month and in various degrees we will have rain, most of the days.
There even may be stretches of non stop rain for a couple of days.
We start out with Loy Kratong tomorrow and the weather forecast may just grant us one more dry day which would come in very handy indeed!
Let's hope for the best and let's make the best out of this month.
1st November, 2009
A blue sky with some big cumulus clouds in it is out and about with a current temp of 25.5C at 7am.
Better enjoy it since as of tomorrow rain is predicted on a daily base.
Yesterday saw a blue sky all day long without it getting too hot. Max temp reached 30.3C.