Sunday 29 November 2009

Little Holland bar & restaurant, Chaweng north

Little Holland bar & restaurant, Chaweng north

This restaurant has since closed it's doors

After some great diving this morning on Chaweng Beach, where for the first time I saw a small shark, a Grey Bamboo shark, I was very hungry when I got back home and decided to take the children to a newly opened Dutch place in the northern part of Chaweng.

The restaurant is named 'Little Holland' and has just opened since a day or two, three or so. Since my oldest kid, our daughter, is fond of pancakes, I thought it a good idea to get her some Dutch pancakes or who knows, maybe even some poffertjes.

Little Holland is run by a Dutch couple, no surprises there, Rob and Marleen have been visiting Samui since a few years and now want to stay here permanently, hopefully with their Dutch hospitality.

Since the kids aren't that familiar with Dutch food, it was a bit of a risk to order the poffertjes, which were indeed on the menu, but with Julia, my daughter, they were a big success and she pretty much finished off both her own and her younger brother's portion, who wasn't that impressed with the poffertjes at all. There are plenty of children meals on the menu by the way.

I ordered a portion of hachee, I hadn't eaten hachee for over 20 years or more I guess, so a nice Dutch touch for me.

The menu is in Dutch and has some interesting, good and also plenty of Dutch food on it, ranging from 'broodje kroket' or frikandel to poffertjes and various other typical Dutch treats.

Go and have a look for yourself and find out what we Dutch like to eatyou may even like it. Little Holland can be found at the very Northern end of Chaweng, on the way to the airport, past the Kandaburi hotel and than opposite the Bhundari hotel.


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