Tuesday, 2 November 2010

Samui flooding November 2010, some videos

Samui flooding November 2010, some videos

Here some more recent videos that I found on You Tube, pretty impressive flooding.

All banks, Big C, Tesco Lotus etc are currently all closed down, ferry traffic has been stopped between Don Sak and Samui and the airport is closed and apparently is being opened right now at 19.30.

Apparently Don Sak and Surat Thani have also some serious flooding problems and it's not sure when somebody can actually reach the ferries.


Wolfgang said...

I told you I will go to Samui on Friday and now I see what´s going on with flood and everything. I hope your family is fine!!!!
I saw on TMD that it doesn´t stop raining and only Saturday it could be better weather.
And that´s not my only problem. My girlfriend went to Burirum because her stepmother died. So she could have problems going back to Samui (no ferry...). I read Bangkok Post and that the governor declared Koh Samui and Surat Thani as flood disaster zones.
What´s your advice, Camille?

Thanks for your answer in advance.

Camille said...

Hi Wolfgang,

By Friday I would expect everything to be under control again and ferry and plane travel should have been established again. Right now things look good for the weekend.

Good luck!

Unknown said...

Hi Camille,
thank you for answering so quickly. Now I am much better than yesterday!!! I am very glad that your family is fine so far. I can imagine that you worry nevertheless and you would like to be together with them as soon as possible.
I wish all the best for you and your family!!!
Good luck and
Viele Grüsse aus Deutschland.

Camille said...

Hi Wolfgang,

Yes, I do miss my family a lot and am in regular contact with them. Although Koh Lanta has nice conditions right now, I almost rather want to be with them!

lofan73 said...

hi camille,

the flood is worrying me.is it so bad tht it's covering the whole place.i already booked my flight n hotel from 23 till 26november. im going to stay at impiana hotel at cheweng. do u think the flood will hit at tht area.pls advise me n i really need ur help

Ted said...

Thanks for your upto date blog, Were getting a house built and wondered why we had no contact from the builder, now we know why thanks again

Camille said...

Hi Ted,

Building might take a short rest right now!

Good luck with your ventures.

Camille said...

Hi Lofan,

During the 23rd to 26th of November I would expect you to have a lot better weather conditions than right now.
Usually Samui only gets one big batch of bad weather so by the last week of November, it should be back to normal. You still may experience some rain but not as torrential as right now!

jetson said...

ooo gosh... i have book my trip from 16th nov till 20th nov 2010... is it safe for me to travel to samui in 2 weeks time?? Camille please help to advise! :(

HB said...

Hi Camille,

We are leaving for Koh Samui tomorrow, 6th Nov 2010. Do you think it is safe for us to go or shall we cancel our trip?

How bad is the situation there right now?


Camille said...

Hi HB,

Right now it looks like all of the weekend and early next week will have more rain. Not the hard wind and storms like Samui just experienced but definitely lots of rain, like a typical November I'm afraid.

Hope this helps for now.

Camille said...


Unfortunately it's difficult to predict how the weather will be in two weeks from now but it is after all the rainy season, unfortunately.

I wouldn't expect the un typical torrential rains and storm that just happened but some rain will most likely on the agenda I'm afraid.

Anonymous said...

Hi Camille,
I am due to travel to lamai beach in koh samui tomorrow 7nov. Is it still flooded there or just heavy rain. Is there any sunshine at all or any expected in the next 5 days?

Many thanks,

Camille said...

Tomorrow should have sunshine but Tuesday looks like one day of strong wind and lots of rain and after that the sun may break through again, although bits and pieces of rain may be there as well.

jetson said...

Dear Camille,

It seems like the situation of the flood had improved as of today 7th nov 2010. The TAT of thailand also removed flood crisis zone for Samui... how is the situation on your side? can post some videos if possible? please help us, thks!!

Camille said...

Hi Jetson,

The situation is indeed back to relative normalcy. Everything seems to be working again and has opened again.

Right now Tuesday and Wednesday seem to be bringing wind and rain but after that it should really ease down.

No videos right now I'm afraid.

Sara said...

I'm going to koh samui on 2th December, i know thats far from now and its impossible to preddict what will hapen, but in your experience, do you think that i should cancel the travel or the situation will be better in december?

thank you

Camille said...

Hi Sara,

In my opinion you should be fine in December, maybe expect some rain but not like the unusual recent rain.

You will be fine I think and my advice is not to cancel for early December.

Sara said...

Thank you very much!

Camille said...

Hi Sara,

You're welcome. Hope all will work out in December.

Anonymous said...

Hi Camille,

Love your blogs and updates. It's the most helpful. I made a reservation in Santhiya resort in Koh Phangan. Is it even flooded there? I do not mind occasional rain as we don't really sunbathe, just as long as it's safe to visit KOh Phangan. Our flight is on the 17th November. Does it sill have unusual torrential rain like previously in the early November?

Camille said...


As far as I know Phangan did not experience the same amount of flooding as Samui.
It should be just fine to visit and there are no torrential rains anymore.

Hope this helps!

Anonymous said...

I was planning on a trip to Koh Phangan around the 20th of december, so i was wondering what are the conditions there? would it be safe? Will you keep me posted? Thanks..

Camille said...

@ Anonymous,

Around that time of the year, conditions are usually very good, sunshine and such!

Please have a look at my archives, left side of my blog, they go back 3 years.

Anonymous said...

Thanks Camille, your reply has been the most helpful. I have been looking forward to this trip, was rather panic-stricken when I heard about the flooding in Koh Samui. Koh Samui airport should be business as usual now, right? I am hoping that I can land in Koh Samui, no obstacles in hopping onto a boat to Koh Phangan by 17th Nov.

Camille said...

@ Anonymous,

Glad to hear that I could be of help. Hope you enjoy your stay on Koh Phangan!

Jenna said...

Hello Camille!
Thanks so far for all the information about the flood!! I glad that you are all right. So how is the situation in ko Lnata right now? cause we really wanted to do an open water diving course at ko tao, but obviously this won't work out. So we are thinking about alternatives...would you recommend ko lanta from tomorrow or monday?
Thank you for your help...

Camille Lemmens said...

Hi Jenna,

Just been diving today on Koh Lanta and the oceans are flat and I can highly recommend Koh Lanta, no damage what so ever. Try Blue Planet Divers in Saladan or Scubafish in Ban Kantian g or Southern Lanta.