World Resort in Bophud celebrates it's 30th year AnniversaryTo the date it was 30 years ago that
World Resort opened it's doors and today this was celebrated accordingly. If you follow my blog(s) on a regular base, you may have noticed that I spend a lot of time at World Resort, during the
PADI IDC's that I teach here. I'm there almost on a monthly base and it's a lovely, family run resort that I can highly recommend.

The stage at the ready this afternoon, for various shows and celebrations. Although we had an invitation for the party, we decided not to attend due to the copious amounts of rain that fell tonight because we thought it wasn't such a good idea to take the children out tonight with so much rain. These pictures were taken during the day time, just after I closed the
current IDC.

This morning monks came to bless
World Resort in good Thai tradition. They chanted and prayed and everybody present was treated to a nice lunch, including the monks in their orange robes.

It's unfortunate how today, especially this evening, after a month long of great weather, the rain showed up today with a vengeance. I hope they still had a nice party after all!
Hi Camille
Great pics - any news on the rain sticking around - seems it is forecast all week - does that include sunny breaks, sorry 1st trip to Koh Samui
Hi Mal,
There should be sunny breaks, for sure. It would be very unusual to have rain all day long.
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