Pictures of speedboat after Full Moon Party collision
After my post with an update about the collision of two speedboats during the transfer of passengers between Koh Samui and Koh Phangan during the Full Moon Party, a couple of days ago, I now got hold of pictures of one of the boats involved in the collision.

These are pictures of the Phummipat 59, owner by Petcharat and this is the boat that has full insurance.

Looking at the size of the hole in this boat, it's a wonder that all passengers survived. Apparently everybody was ordered to wear life jackets during the trip from Samui to Koh Phangan.
With thanks to Steve for the pictures and to Stephan and Adam who both commented on this post and claim to have been on this boat during the accident.
i have been on that boat and it wasnt raining or something like that...The other boat has no lights on so our captain couldnt see it ...We have been just sitting on the right place not to be injured seriously or even been dead !
It last almost have an hour that the marine bot ship us safe to the pier !
Did you have more information about the accident ? The reports founded in the Inet didnt tell exactly why it happened ! No gas, no lights?One thing i can tell you for sure is, that there was no heavy rain !
Could you send me the pictures ?
I want to keep my second Birthday in memorie !
Thank you
Hi Stephan,
Thanks for your reply, that is much appreciated to hear from somebody that was there.
The only information I currently is from the post that I wrote earlier, which states that the other boat had no lights on. A link is in this post. You can easily download the pictures from my blog, just right click the mouse and hit the 'save picture as' button. They're original size how I got them.
That's correct, the rain was not hard anymore by than, that's why the boats were allowed to go again, they were stopped for a while during the storm.
Good luck to you!
Thank you very much for your reply !
You were the only person/blog/newspaper that put the pictures online, so i thank you !
Now i am already returned to Germany and my familie and friend couldnt believe we hadnt suffered injuries after seeinf the pictures !
Ok, so i will download them from your blog ! Thank you !
Its all about money i think...they dindt asked us if we had seen something, sinst want to know anything ! They put us in taxis and carried us away !
I hope i will have it next time also !
Wish you the best for the future !
Thank you very much for your reply !
You were the only person/blog/newspaper that put the pictures online, so i thank you !
Now i am already returned to Germany and my familie and friend couldnt believe we hadnt suffered injuries after seeinf the pictures !
Ok, so i will download them from your blog ! Thank you !
Its all about money i think...they dindt asked us if we had seen something, sinst want to know anything ! They put us in taxis and carried us away !
I hope i will have it next time also !
Wish you the best for the future !
Hi Stephan,
Thanks for the follow up! Glad I can be of help especially with the pictures.
Good to know that you were not injured! Take care.
I was sat right where the impact was, please can you send me those pictures and any more you have of the boat or the other boat, even rear views any thing please
Hi Adam,
Thanks for responding to the pictures on my blog.
You can easily download these pictures by right clicking them and than hit the 'save as' text, the pictures are the same size as the original pictures I have.
You are very lucky to have gotten out of that accident uninjured. Where you wearing a life jacket?
I was on the Pha-Ngan to Samui boat, here is my witness statement
It had been raining Thailand style, anyone who has been to Thailand knows what I mean but as we set off it had stopped and the sea was fairly calm.
I was the last to board the boat, so sat down at the front in the kind of V that the front of a speed boat has with these 2 girls and got chatting with them, I remember noticing that the guys sitting across from me were tourist police but didn’t think much of it at the time. The sides were quite high so we couldn't see out.
We'd been going for about 10 mins, one of the crew was standing in the middle between where I was sitting and where the tourist police were sitting, as he was standing he could see out and then suddenly started shouting and waving a little hand held torch.
About 3 seconds latter there was a huge bang, the next thing I know is that I'm falling backwards in to the sea, I took a deep breath and swam out through the hole and was now effectively out to sea, but next to the boat.
I wasn't afraid or feared drowning or anything, I just knew I needed to get back on the boat. To be honest I don't think I was thinking, more just reacting if that makes any sense?
Something was tugging at my leg, not enough to pull me under but more like trying to get my attention, so I reached down and came up with bits of debris, I tried a few more times and found more debris so started to swim to the back of the boat but as I did I realized that I now had 2 girls without life jackets clinging to me, so all I could do was kick through the debris to get to the back of the boat.
I do clearly remember shouting at this guy who was still on board to put the boarding ladder down so we could all climb back on board but he just stood there, I called a few more times to him but he didn't do anything, I think he was one of the crew, not sure, so I swam across to the other side of the outboard motors where a guy on board and I got the 2 girls out the water.
There was a girl calling to me from a few meters away, I’m not sure if I went to get her or she managed to come to me but we got her on board, she had a massive head injury and part of her calf muscle missing. There was another girl about 20 or 30 meters out to sea calling for help, I shouted to someone on board to go and help her but no one went so I started to swim out and I think someone else had also gone as she seemed to be right there in only as few strokes so we got her on board, I tried to climb up myself but was too tired so some other guys climbed up and then turned round and helped me up.
We seemed to be out at sea for ages until help turned up.
As for the media reports, I never saw the other boat capsized or sink, its possible that it spun fully and it is also possible that it sank after we left on the police launch but I never saw that. I did see some smoke coming from it like it was on fire but that could have been anything, steam off the hot engines for example and I certainly didn’t see flames.
Our boat had no lights on, I can not say for the other boat, out boat did not slow down, we were still full throttle at point of impact and we did not deviate course, as in our boat did not try to steer out of the way.
I have not been offered any compensation from the boat companies and had no contact with them.
I was on the Pha-Ngan to Samui boat, here is my witness statement
It had been raining Thailand style, anyone who has been to Thailand knows what I mean but as we set off it had stopped and the sea was fairly calm.
I was the last to board the boat, so sat down at the front in the kind of V that the front of a speed boat has with these 2 girls and got chatting with them, I remember noticing that the guys sitting across from me were tourist police but didn’t think much of it at the time. The sides were quite high so we couldn't see out.
We'd been going for about 10 mins, one of the crew was standing in the middle between where I was sitting and where the tourist police were sitting, as he was standing he could see out and then suddenly started shouting and waving a little hand held torch.
About 3 seconds latter there was a huge bang, the next thing I know is that I'm falling backwards in to the sea, I took a deep breath and swam out through the hole and was now effectively out to sea, but next to the boat.
I wasn't afraid or feared drowning or anything, I just knew I needed to get back on the boat. To be honest I don't think I was thinking, more just reacting if that makes any sense?
Something was tugging at my leg, not enough to pull me under but more like trying to get my attention, so I reached down and came up with bits of debris, I tried a few more times and found more debris so started to swim to the back of the boat but as I did I realized that I now had 2 girls without life jackets clinging to me, so all I could do was kick through the debris to get to the back of the boat.
To be continued.........
........continued from previous comment;
I do clearly remember shouting at this guy who was still on board to put the boarding ladder down so we could all climb back on board but he just stood there, I called a few more times to him but he didn't do anything, I think he was one of the crew, not sure, so I swam across to the other side of the outboard motors where a guy on board and I got the 2 girls out the water.
There was a girl calling to me from a few meters away, I’m not sure if I went to get her or she managed to come to me but we got her on board, she had a massive head injury and part of her calf muscle missing. There was another girl about 20 or 30 meters out to sea calling for help, I shouted to someone on board to go and help her but no one went so I started to swim out and I think someone else had also gone as she seemed to be right there in only as few strokes so we got her on board, I tried to climb up myself but was too tired so some other guys climbed up and then turned round and helped me up.
We seemed to be out at sea for ages until help turned up.
As for the media reports, I never saw the other boat capsized or sink, its possible that it spun fully and it is also possible that it sank after we left on the police launch but I never saw that. I did see some smoke coming from it like it was on fire but that could have been anything, steam off the hot engines for example and I certainly didn’t see flames.
Our boat had no lights on, I can not say for the other boat, out boat did not slow down, we were still full throttle at point of impact and we did not deviate course, as in our boat did not try to steer out of the way.
I have not been offered any compensation from the boat companies and had no contact with them.
Hi Adam,
Thanks very much for the witness report. It must've been a traumatic experience.
You said your boat had not lights on. Would that be running lights or illumantion lights?
You also said you had no contact with boat company. Were you injured?
I don't know what lights are what, illumination or running but now I am thinking about it, I could see the other people around me, could that have just been from moon light, I don't know.
I was injured and have cuts, puncture wounds and heavy bruising to my legs and blunt trauma to the left side of my back and head.
I was at Bangkok Samui hospital, returned that on the Monday and got the all clear to fly and came home to the UK the next day.
I can walk now but with a heavy limp and have pain from my head down to my hip.
It wasn't traumatic at all until I saw those pictures, now I am physically shaking, there were 2 girls sat to my left and were were the most forwards passengers on the impact side of the boat.
Thanks Camille for your very honest post.
Is there even a safe way to get to Ko Phangan for the full moon party without having to catch the ferry and stay overnight... and have there even be any safety improvements?
Besides taken the ferry and staying overnight, speedboats seem to be the only option...........
Some companies take the safety measures seriously, others don't...
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