Monday 31 August 2015

Goodbye to August 2015

It's time to say goodbye to August 2015 and to kick straight off with the weather, his was not a great version of August.
We had a cloudy and wet start of the month with almost two weeks of rain and strong wind. The middle of the month was good again but towards the end we encountered more rain and a little bit of wind. 
Not your average August on Koh Samui and not anywhere near how last year's August was.

Goodbye to August 2015

Wat Plai Laem's statue of  'Meh Guan Ihm' remains one of the eye catchers at the temple 

Work wise it was a quiet month, I did log my 500th dive at Sail Rock though and took friends from the Netherlands on a PADI Discover Scuba Dive at Sail Rock.

September is starting tomorrow and I'm looking forward to it. There will be the Kamalaya run come 13th September, you will be bound to see me there!

Do 'like' my Koh Samui blog Facebook page and don't forget to use my Camille's Samui hotel recommendation blog and my Camille's Thailand hotel recommendation blog for all your hotel bookings on Koh Samui and around Thailand. By doing so, you will support my blog. Thanks folks! 


Koh Samui, Thailand daily weather update; 31st August, 2015

Today's weather;

It's cloudy again over Koh Samui this morning and it looks like it will stay that way for the remained of the day. Current temp at 7am is 25.5C

Koh Samui, Thailand daily weather update; 31st August, 2015

This building at Wat Kiri Wongkaram in Baan Taling Ngaam is worthwhile checking out, I like th writing on it's wall

Yesterday was a nice day with blue but hazy skies all day long until 6pm when we had a tropical shower. Max temp reached 32C

The forecast for the next ten days predicts lots of cloudy days with an occasional tropical shower.

Do 'like' my Koh Samui blog Facebook page and don't forget to use my Camille's Samui hotel recommendation blog and my Camille's Thailand hotel recommendation blog for all your hotel bookings on Koh Samui and around Thailand. By doing so, you will support my blog. Thanks folks! 


Sunday 30 August 2015

Koh Samui, Thailand daily weather update; 30th August, 2015

Today's weather;

It's fairly cloudy this morning over Koh Samui with a couple of early morning blue spots. There may be rain towards the end of the afternoon. Current temp at 7am is 27C 

Koh Samui, Thailand daily weather update; 30th August, 2015

Wooden carvings at the Bot at Wat Plai Laem, the building in the middle of the lake

Yesterday saw a non stop drizzle between 7am and 11am with some parts of the island having even more and stronger rain. Late during the afternoon it rained again at some spots around the island. Max temp reached 31.5C

The forecast predicts cloudy skies for the next ted days with occasionally some break in the cloud cover and the possibility of a tropical shower.

Do 'like' my Koh Samui blog Facebook page and don't forget to use my Camille's Samui hotel recommendation blog and my Camille's Thailand hotel recommendation blog for all your hotel bookings on Koh Samui and around Thailand. By doing so, you will support my blog. Thanks folks! 


Saturday 29 August 2015

Koh Samui, Thailand daily weather update; 29th August, 2015

Today's weather;

A nice blue sky hovers over Koh Samui with a few hazy clouds which are likely to evaporate once the sun heats up. Current temp at 7am is 28.5C

Koh Samui, Thailand daily weather update; 29th August, 2015

The main entrance at the government hospital in Nathon

Yesterday saw a very cloudy day with a drizzle almost all morning long and at some places some heavy rain. During the afternoon it dried up but remained cloudy. Max temp reached 29C

The forecast predicts a cloudy week all of next week with some sun coming through again after next weekend. There should be hardly any wind and you may possibly encounter a fairly rare tropical shower.

Do 'like' my Koh Samui blog Facebook page and don't forget to use my Camille's Samui hotel recommendation blog and my Camille's Thailand hotel recommendation blog for all your hotel bookings on Koh Samui and around Thailand. By doing so, you will support my blog. Thanks folks! 


Friday 28 August 2015

Koh Samui, Thailand daily weather update; 28th August, 2015

Today's weather;

It's cloudy around Koh Samui this morning and it feels like there may be some rain in the air during most of the day. Current temp at 7am is 25.7C

Koh Samui, Thailand daily weather update; 28th August, 2015

The arrivals hall at Samui airport, for a lot of tourists their first sights of the island

Yesterday saw mostly clouds all day long, although there were moments with sunshine but also two periods of rain, one around noon and one around 4pm. Max temp reached 32C

The forecast predicts mainly cloudy skies for the next ten days with an occasional tropical shower and the wind is almost gone.

Do 'like' my Koh Samui blog Facebook page and don't forget to use my Camille's Samui hotel recommendation blog and my Camille's Thailand hotel recommendation blog for all your hotel bookings on Koh Samui and around Thailand. By doing so, you will support my blog. Thanks folks! 


Thursday 27 August 2015

Koh Samui, Thailand daily weather update; 27th August, 2015

Today's weather;

The sky is cloudy over Koh Samui this morning and I expect it to stay this way most of the day. Current temp at 7am is 25.7C

Koh Samui, Thailand daily weather update; 27th August, 2015

Yesterday's cloudy sky over Koh Samui at the government hospital in Nathon

Yesterday saw mostly cloudy skies all day long with rain at some parts of the island. Max temp reached 33C

The forecast for the next ten days shows that the wind has gone but we will have mostly cloudy skies with an option for a tropical shower during most days.

Do 'like' my Koh Samui blog Facebook page and don't forget to use my Camille's Samui hotel recommendation blog and my Camille's Thailand hotel recommendation blog for all your hotel bookings on Koh Samui and around Thailand. By doing so, you will support my blog. Thanks folks! 


Wednesday 26 August 2015

Koh Samui, Thailand daily weather update; 26th August, 2015

Today's weather;

It's very cloudy this morning over Koh Samui and I expect it to stay that way today. We may possibly have a short shower during the morning. Current temp at 7am is 25.3C

Koh Samui, Thailand daily weather update; 26th August, 2015

This is how I like my jet skis best; broken and on land! Despite having a very negative image, due to the common scams used by the rental staff and their safety concerns, they're still popular with many tourists. Also as a diver (especially when I dive at the beach), they're dangerous for divers. Many jet skis drivers use the dive buoy as a turning point, rather than a sign that it should be, that tells you to stay away

Yesterday saw a little bit of sunshine during the early morning but soon enough clouds moved in. During the late afternoon some very heavy and dark clouds joined the party with some showers as a result. Max temp reached 32C

The forecast predicts sunnier skies until the weekend and after the weekend it may clam up with plenty of clouds. For Friday a shower is possible.

Do 'like' my Koh Samui blog Facebook page and don't forget to use my Camille's Samui hotel recommendation blog and my Camille's Thailand hotel recommendation blog for all your hotel bookings on Koh Samui and around Thailand. By doing so, you will support my blog. Thanks folks! 


Tuesday 25 August 2015

Koh Samui, Thailand daily weather update; 25th August, 2015

Today's weather;

It's mostly cloudy this morning over Koh Samui although there are a few isolated blue spots. Later this morning the clouds should break up and it should become fairly sunny with a nice breeze. Current temp at 7am is 26.6C

Koh Samui, Thailand daily weather update; 25th August, 2015

The better known mummified body on the island of monk 'Phra Wihan Luang Por Daeng' at Wat Kunaram, after yesterday's picture at Wat Kiri Wongkaram

Yesterday saw a cloudy start if the day with a sunny afternoon and a max temp of 34C

The forecast predicts fairly cloudy skies for the next ten days with occasional blue spots and sunny skies.

Do 'like' my Koh Samui blog Facebook page and don't forget to use my Camille's Samui hotel recommendation blog and my Camille's Thailand hotel recommendation blog for all your hotel bookings on Koh Samui and around Thailand. By doing so, you will support my blog. Thanks folks! 


Monday 24 August 2015

Koh Samui, Thailand daily weather update; 24th August, 2015

Today's weather;

It's mostly blue skies this morning over Koh Samui with a few scattered clouds in it. Most likely it will stay that way until the evening when there may be a short tropical shower. Current temp at 7am is 26.3C

Koh Samui, Thailand daily weather update; 24th August, 2015

The lesser known mummified monk at Wat Kiri Wongkaram in Baan Taling Ngaan, which is located a bit more off the beaten track

Yesterday saw a fairly cloudy day, sunnier during the morning but clouds moved in soon enough and took over for the remainder of the day. Max temp reached 32C

The forecast shows part;y cloudy skies for the next ten days with plenty of sunny moments. Tomorrow we may have a bit of stronger wind.

Do 'like' my Koh Samui blog Facebook page and don't forget to use my Camille's Samui hotel recommendation blog and my Camille's Thailand hotel recommendation blog for all your hotel bookings on Koh Samui and around Thailand. By doing so, you will support my blog. Thanks folks! 


Sunday 23 August 2015

10th Anniversary of Sabeinglae restaurant in Lamai

Yesterday saw the 10th Anniversary of Sabeinglae restaurant in Lamai and due to family connections, we were invited. The owner, Khun Amnath Chotchuang ahs the same family name as my wife, and just like her dad, he originates from Koh Phangan.

10th Anniversary of Sabeinglae restaurant in Lamai

The music stage, build up on the beach

Each year my father in law receives an invitation for the annual anniversary of the restaurant and this year he passed the honors on to us, to which we happily obliged. Within one week, we visited now twice! Earlier this week we took old friends from the Netherlands to Sabeinglae, which they thought was their best meal with Thai food whilst in the kingdom.

10th Anniversary of Sabeinglae restaurant in Lamai

A view over the buffet, with an oyster bar in front

It was very busy and cars were parked all over the place, I found a parking spot some 100 meters away from the entrance. A couple of traffic controllers were put in place for the occasion, so the Samui hi so could accident free get in and out of their cars.

10th Anniversary of Sabeinglae restaurant in Lamai

Khun Amnath Chotchuang with myself and my two daughters

It was indeed a meeting of Samui's hi so, politicians and family. I only spotted two other Westerners and doubt that many other non Thais were present. The restaurant was packed for the occasion and tables were even out on the beach in order to accommodate all attendees.

10th Anniversary of Sabeinglae restaurant in Lamai

The sushi bar

With three locations on the island, in Lamai, Chaweng and Fisherman's Village, they're going strong. The Lamai location is still our favorite with the restaurant in Fisherman's Village coming in at a very close second.

10th Anniversary of Sabeinglae restaurant in Lamai

Waai kuaw or octopus curry, a typical Samui recipe/dish. Besides local events like weddings or at temples, I don't know any other locations on the island where you can order this

We enjoyed our food, with waai kuaw (pictured above), nice prawns, crispy pork, various curries, hor mok plaa (steamed fish with curry in banana leaves), sushi and various other options on offer. Well worth the long drive down there from where we live! 

10th Anniversary of Sabeinglae restaurant in Lamai

A whole crispy suckling pig, loosing it's shape when the evening progressed. Very tasty!

We were glad that we had the opportunity to visit and enjoyed it. We can highly recommend a visit to either one of the three locations on the island. Do your research so you know what to order, they're worth trying something out you may not know! Due to our participation in the 8th Cancer care run  in Nathon earlier during the morning of the same day, we didn't stay too long and went home relatively early, satisfied and with a full stomach. We slept great yesterday!

Do 'like' my Koh Samui blog Facebook page and don't forget to use my Camille's Samui hotel recommendation blog and my Camille's Thailand hotel recommendation blog for all your hotel bookings on Koh Samui and around Thailand. By doing so, you will support my blog. Thanks folks! 


Koh Samui, Thailand daily weather update; 23rd August, 2015

Today's weather;

It's a bit of a mixed bag this morning over Koh Samui, in the sky that is, this mixed bag! Clouds and blue spots seem to be fighting over dominance of the sky and I expect the blue spots to win later this morning. Current temp at 7am is 27.4C

Koh Samui, Thailand daily weather update; 23rd August, 2015

A roasted, crispy pig at the 10th anniversary of the Sabeinglae restaurant in Lamai

Yesterday saw a cloudy and cool day with a bit of sunshine towards the end of the day, when the wind ceased as well. Max temp reached 32C

The forecast is looking good for the ten days, there may be a bit more sunshine than previously predicted and chances of getting a tropical shower have also diminished.

Do 'like' my Koh Samui blog Facebook page and don't forget to use my Camille's Samui hotel recommendation blog and my Camille's Thailand hotel recommendation blog for all your hotel bookings on Koh Samui and around Thailand. By doing so, you will support my blog. Thanks folks! 


Saturday 22 August 2015

8th Cancer Care run in Nathon, race day

After a very early wake up call, it was time to gather the family and head off for the 8th Cancer Care run in Nathon, race day time! This was the 5th time I participated in this event and by now I know that they always run out of T-shirts, so I made a phone reservation and sure enough, the ordered tees where at the pick up area. Nice one!

8th Cancer Care run in Nathon, race day

Before the start of the race

This year I didn't see a lot of promotion being made for the race and it kind of showed at the gathering point, there seemed to be less people compared to other years. From the three race distances on offer, 3-, 5- and 10km, I choose the 10km distance and there were about 35-40 participants in this category.

8th Cancer Care run in Nathon, race day

The race map

Registration was scheduled for 6am and that worked fine, but as with so many small running events around Thailand, the scheduled start of the race was missed by a full 20 minutes. If you want to start a race, it's rather annoying that you always have to wait around. However, by 7.20am we were on our way and it was busy at the start, with the 5 and 10km runners starting in the same group.

8th Cancer Care run in Nathon, race day

The top 3 finishers of the ladies 10km race

It was a lot nice to race after the 5km had reached their turn around point and the field thinned out drastically! The road was well marked and there were plenty of water stations. Under a cloudy sky, we had very agreeable running temperatures.

8th Cancer Care run in Nathon, race day

The lucky draw and our son Dennis won a meal for two at the Four Seasons Resort!

My overall time was 50'08 minutes, which yielded an average pace of 5'01 per km and the total distance according to my running watch was 9.96km. A good time that I'm happy with, considering that I just took a 6 week injury due break and started two weeks ago with training. Earlier this year I had better race times, but training is on track and I hope to be able to beat my times I ran earlier this year.
I also stopped for times during the race to pick up some coins, in total I found 9.-THB on the race route, which probably makes me the highest earner during today's race, but it's still not enough to make a career out of my running!

The next running event on Koh Samui will be the Kamalaya Charity run, Sunday 13th September at the Namuang Stadium! See you there!

Do 'like' my Koh Samui blog Facebook page and don't forget to use my Camille's Samui hotel recommendation blog and my Camille's Thailand hotel recommendation blog for all your hotel bookings on Koh Samui and around Thailand. By doing so, you will support my blog. Thanks folks! 


Koh Samui, Thailand daily weather update; 22nd August, 2015

Today's weather;

A later than usual update, due to participating in the 8th Cancer Care run in Nathon and we just got back home. It's cloudy over Koh Samui and there's a stiff breeze, that keeps it cool. Ideal circumstances fir running. Current temp at 10am is 29C

Koh Samui, Thailand daily weather update; 22nd August, 2015

Yesterday saw a fairly sunny day, with a stiff breeze and clouds during the later afternoon. It must have rained overnight or very early in the morning as well. Max temp reached 32.9C

The forecast predicts fairly cloudy skies for the next ten days with an occasional shower but the strong winds seem to have gone off the prediction charts now.

Do 'like' my Koh Samui blog Facebook page and don't forget to use my Camille's Samui hotel recommendation blog and my Camille's Thailand hotel recommendation blog for all your hotel bookings on Koh Samui and around Thailand. By doing so, you will support my blog. Thanks folks! 


Friday 21 August 2015

Koh Samui, Thailand daily weather update; 21st August, 2015

Today's weather;

It's mostly cloudy over Koh Samui this morning, although the cloud layer looks to be thin and there are small blue patches in the sky. It will most likely remain cloudy for the rest of the day with a fairly strong wind at times. Current temp at 7am is 25.6C

Koh Samui, Thailand daily weather update; 21st August, 2015

The big sitting man statue at Wat Plai Laem

Yesterday saw a very blue sky during the morning with more and more clouds moving in during the afternoon, resulting in a short but very wet mini storm around 6.30pm. Max temp reached 33C

The forecast shows cloud cover for the next ten days with showers possible after this weekend and around the next weekend.

Do 'like' my Koh Samui blog Facebook page and don't forget to use my Camille's Samui hotel recommendation blog and my Camille's Thailand hotel recommendation blog for all your hotel bookings on Koh Samui and around Thailand. By doing so, you will support my blog. Thanks folks! 


Thursday 20 August 2015

Samui Beach Volleyball, 3-6 September 2015 on Chaweng Beach

Early next month the Samui Beach Volleyball, 3-6 September 2015 on Chaweng Beach is coming up with some serious price money involved, worth over 200,000.-THB. 

There will be competition for students (under 14 years old) and amateurs (over 14 years old) and the tournament is set up with a knock out system.

Signing up your team can be done until 31st August at the Bangkok Air website, click on this link.
Here you will also find a schedule, price money, rules an d how to sign up.

Samui Beach Volleyball, 3-6 September 2015 on Chaweng Beach

It looks a like a busy and fun schedule;

1. Wednesday 2 September 2015             Team matching               From 14.00 hrs. onwards.

2. Thursday 3 September 2015                 First round                      From 9.00 hrs. onwards.

3. Friday 4 September 2015                     Second round                  From 9.00 hrs. onwards.

4. Saturday 5 September 2015                 Third round                     From 9.00 hrs. onwards.

5. Sunday 6 September 2015                    Semi-final round             From 9.00 hrs. onwards.

                                                                  Final round                      From 13.00 hrs. onwards.

For more information please contact
Bangkok Airways Corporate Communications
Email :
Telephone : +66 - 2265 - 5663 (Mon. to Fri. 09.00 – 17.00 hrs. only)

Looks like it will be a great event and I hope they will have plenty of visitors, fans and supporters!

Do 'like' my Koh Samui blog Facebook page and don't forget to use my Camille's Samui hotel recommendation blog and my Camille's Thailand hotel recommendation blog for all your hotel bookings on Koh Samui and around Thailand. By doing so, you will support my blog. Thanks folks! 


Koh Samui, Thailand daily weather update; 20th August, 2015

Today's weather;

A nice blue sky is shaping over Koh Samui this morning, after there were some early morning clouds. There are still cloud formations over the ocean. Current temp at 7am is 26.8C

Koh Samui, Thailand daily weather update; 20th August, 2015

Sunset over Big Buddha

Yesterday saw a sunny and warm day around Koh Samui with a strong afternoon wind and a max temp of 34C

The forecast predicts that the strong wind is going to stay for the next ten days with regular tropical showers being a daily possibility.

Do 'like' my Koh Samui blog Facebook page and don't forget to use my Camille's Samui hotel recommendation blog and my Camille's Thailand hotel recommendation blog for all your hotel bookings on Koh Samui and around Thailand. By doing so, you will support my blog. Thanks folks! 


Wednesday 19 August 2015

Koh Samui, Thailand daily weather update; 19th August, 2015

Today's weather;

A nice blue sky is shaping up over Koh Samui, better get ready for a hot one today. Later today some more cloud cover may move in. Current temp at 7am is already at 29.5C

Koh Samui, Thailand daily weather update; 19th August, 2015

Laem Sor Pagoda in Southern Koh Samui

Yesterday saw a very nice and sunny day. Max temp reached 33C

The forecast predicts the wind to pick up tomorrow with next week Thursday having possibly storm like conditions, including plenty of rain.

Do 'like' my Koh Samui blog Facebook page and don't forget to use my Camille's Samui hotel recommendation blog and my Camille's Thailand hotel recommendation blog for all your hotel bookings on Koh Samui and around Thailand. By doing so, you will support my blog. Thanks folks! 


Tuesday 18 August 2015

Koh Samui, Thailand daily weather update; 18th August, 2015

Today's weather;

It started out with a very early hazy sky over Koh Samui but no it seems that the haze is taking the advantage and is clouding the sky up. I do expect it to easy up and turn blue again later today, probably during the afternoon. Current temp at 7am is 27.7C

Koh Samui, Thailand daily weather update; 18th August, 2015

A brand new set of stairs have been build at the Namuang Waterfall

Yesterday saw a nice, sunny and warm day around the island. Max temp reached 33C

The forecast predicts the wind to pick up by tomorrow afternoon, which will bring cloudy skies, an occasional shower and plenty of rain as of next Tuesday.

Do 'like' my Koh Samui blog Facebook page and don't forget to use my Camille's Samui hotel recommendation blog and my Camille's Thailand hotel recommendation blog for all your hotel bookings on Koh Samui and around Thailand. By doing so, you will support my blog. Thanks folks! 


Monday 17 August 2015

Koh Samui, Thailand daily weather update; 17th August, 2015

Today's weather;

We have a nice blue sky this morning over Koh Samui with some clouds and currently it's still hazy. The sun should burn most of the clouds away though and I expect a nice, warm and sunny day. Current temp at 7am is already 28C

Koh Samui, Thailand daily weather update; 17th August, 2015

The roof of the bot of Wat Kiri Wongkaram in Baan Taling Ngaam is getting a new roof

Yesterday saw a nice and sunny day, most of the day! Just before some dark clouds moved in and we had rain in the Baan Namuang and Khow Tanim. The afternoon had sunny skies again though. Max temp reached 33C

The forecast remains looking good, Wednesday the wind should pick up and from this coming Sunday onward we may have rain for a couple of days.

Do 'like' my Koh Samui blog Facebook page and don't forget to use my Camille's Samui hotel recommendation blog and my Camille's Thailand hotel recommendation blog for all your hotel bookings on Koh Samui and around Thailand. By doing so, you will support my blog. Thanks folks! 


Sunday 16 August 2015

Koh Samui, Thailand daily weather update; 16th August, 2015

Today's weather;

A nice blue sky is shaping up over Koh Samui this morning and it looks like it will stay that way for the remainder of the day. A hot day is in the making. At 7.30am it's already 30.1C

Koh Samui, Thailand daily weather update; 16th August, 2015

A rather unusual sight; goats near the Bang Rak beach road

Yesterday saw a sunny day all day long, although there were cloudy spots at some parts of the island. Max temp reached 32.8C

The forecast is looking good for the next ten days, mostly fairly sunny to sunny with the wind picking up come Wednesday and there's a slim chance of a tropical shower.

Do 'like' my Koh Samui blog Facebook page and don't forget to use my Camille's Samui hotel recommendation blog and my Camille's Thailand hotel recommendation blog for all your hotel bookings on Koh Samui and around Thailand. By doing so, you will support my blog. Thanks folks! 


Saturday 15 August 2015

Koh Samui, Thailand daily weather update; 15th August, 2015

Today's weather;

It's mostly blue skies over Koh Samui this morning with a couple of thin clouds thrown in as well. It should stay like this all day long. Current temp at 7am is 27.6C

Koh Samui, Thailand daily weather update; 15th August, 2015

Sunset in Nathon yesterday

Yesterday started out with a nice blue sky but around noon the clouds moved in and didn't go away anymore. There were some heavy and dark clouds around and it may have rained a bit on some parts of the island. Max temp reached 31.8C

The forecast predicts mostly sunny skies for the ten days with the wind picking up come Wednesday. There's a very slim chance of a tropical shower.

Do 'like' my Koh Samui blog Facebook page and don't forget to use my Camille's Samui hotel recommendation blog and my Camille's Thailand hotel recommendation blog for all your hotel bookings on Koh Samui and around Thailand. By doing so, you will support my blog. Thanks folks! 


Friday 14 August 2015

Saturday 22nd August, 8th Cancer Care charity run in Nathon

Next weekend it's show time again with Saturday 22nd August, 8th Cancer Care charity run in Nathon, organized by the Four Seasons Resort Koh Samui.

You can choose from a 3km fun run or a 10km run. Registration starts at 6am on Saturday morning, come 22nd August, near the Nathon Seatran pier. Strat of the race is at 7am.
Registration fee is 250,-THB with a t-shirt and 400.-THB with a polo shirt. Tickets also include a breakfast box and each participant can get lucky with a lucky draw during which you can win stays at various Four Season resorts and Bangkok Air tickets.

It seems that the route has been changed and we're back to running the less exciting way towards Baan Namuang, with the 10km turning point being at the Honda dealership.

Saturday 22nd August, 8th Cancer Care charity run in Nathon

It's a great event and the Cancer Care race has it's origins in Terry Fox's run across Canada in 1980 with the marathon of hope.

I'm hoping to see as many people as possible participating in this event! See you in Nathon.

Do 'like' my Koh Samui blog Facebook page and don't forget to use my Camille's Samui hotel recommendation blog and my Camille's Thailand hotel recommendation blog for all your hotel bookings on Koh Samui and around Thailand. By doing so, you will support my blog. Thanks folks! 


Koh Samui, Thailand daily weather update; 14th August, 2015

Today's weather;

We have a blue sky over Koh Samui with a few clouds in it. It looks like it may stay that way for the rest of the day. Current temp at 7am is 25.9C

Koh Samui, Thailand daily weather update; 14th August, 2015

View towards Koh Phangan, near Fisherman's Village

Yesterday saw a nice and sunny start of the day but towards the afternoon clouds moved in and the sun was blocked although it stayed dry. Max temp reached 22.8C

The forecast predicts mostly dry days except an occasional tropical shower for the next ten days with the wind picking up next Wednesday.

Do 'like' my Koh Samui blog Facebook page and don't forget to use my Camille's Samui hotel recommendation blog and my Camille's Thailand hotel recommendation blog for all your hotel bookings on Koh Samui and around Thailand. By doing so, you will support my blog. Thanks folks! Camille

Thursday 13 August 2015

A new page has been created on this blog about tour bookings

Yes indeed, a new page has been created on this blog about tour bookings and I hope you visit this page a lot and book tour through this page. Visit the page by clicking here.

Many times I'm being asked what can we do on Koh Samui and hopefully this page will help you a little bit on finding the right tour activity for you on Koh Samui.

At the moment three tours have been selected and all three of them have been tested by me and all three passed this test. I work with reliable people that I know and offer quality tours.

There's a permanent link to this new page on top of each blog post, have a look and click on the link (the orange colored words).

A new page has been created on this blog about tour bookings

All three tours currently on offer insurance and cater to different activities. One nice feature is that they are half day trips, which leaves enough time to do other things that same day.

Currently on offer are an Island Gem Gourmet picnic tour which also includes snorkeling, a photographer's tour for scenic and some top locations on Koh Samui to catch some great shots and there's also a drink tasting tour which visits some special places on the island where you can try out local, home made drinks and/or brews.

Hope you enjoy the page and visit often. Please ask me if you have any questions or leave feedback!

Do 'like' my Koh Samui blog Facebook page and don't forget to use my Camille's Samui hotel recommendation blog and my Camille's Thailand hotel recommendation blog for all your hotel bookings on Koh Samui and around Thailand. By doing so, you will support my blog. Thanks folks! 


Koh Samui, Thailand daily weather update; 13th August, 2015

Today's weather;

There are a thin cloud layer with some thicker clouds in the sky over Koh Samui this morning. It looks like the sun will mop up the cloud layers soon and it may become a hot and fairly sunny day. Current temp at 7am is already 29.5C

Koh Samui, Thailand daily weather update; 13th August, 2015

It looks like it's going to be a sunny day today, so maybe get some head cover

Yesterday saw a mostly cloudy and dry day with a little bit of sun breaking through at the end of the day. Max temp reached 33C

The forecast is looking good for the next ten days, cloudy but sunny moments and possibly a very rare tropical shower.

Do 'like' my Koh Samui blog Facebook page and don't forget to use my Camille's Samui hotel recommendation blog and my Camille's Thailand hotel recommendation blog for all your hotel bookings on Koh Samui and around Thailand. By doing so, you will support my blog. Thanks folks! 


Wednesday 12 August 2015

Koh Samui, Thailand daily weather update; 12th August, 2015

Today's weather;

Happy Birthday to Her Majesty Queen Sirikit, celebrating her 83rd birthday

It's partially cloudy today and fairly hazy over Koh Samui this morning. It looks like it will remain fairly cloudy but dry. Current temp at 7am is 26.6C

Koh Samui, Thailand daily weather update; 12th August, 2015

The king of fruits; durian and the queen of fruits; mangosteen, both in season at the moment. As a tribute to Her Majesty Queen Sirikit who celebrates her 83rd birthday today

Yesterday saw a fairly sunny morning but the afternoon was rather cloudy. Max temp reached 32C

The forecast predicts fairly cloudy skies with possibly an occasional tropical shower until mid next week when the the wind is supposed to pick up again.

Do 'like' my Koh Samui blog Facebook page and don't forget to use my Camille's Samui hotel recommendation blog and my Camille's Thailand hotel recommendation blog for all your hotel bookings on Koh Samui and around Thailand. By doing so, you will support my blog. Thanks folks! 


Her Majesty Queen Sirikit 83rd birthday

Today is Her Majesty Queen Sirikit 83rd birthday.

Sirikit (สิริกิติ์), born Mom Rajawongse Sirikit Kitiyakara (สิริกิติ์ กิติยากร) on 12 August 1932, is the queen consort of Bhumibol Adulyadej, King (Rama IX) of Thailand. She met Bhumibol in Paris, where her father was the Thai ambassador. They married in 1950, shortly before Bhumibol's coronation. Sirikit was appointed Queen Regent in 1956. Sirikit and Bhumibol have four children, one son and three daughters. As the consort of the king who is the world's longest-reigning head of state, she is also the world's longest-serving consort of a monarch. Sirikit suffered a stroke on 21 July 2012 and has since refrained from public appearances.

Her Majesty Queen Sirikit 83rd birthday

All around the country, in front of government buildings and public service offices but also shopping malls and the like, you can find pictures and similar honorary set ups to celebrate Her Majesty Queen Sirikit 83rd birthday

In Thailand, Her Majesty Queen Sirikit birthday is also celebrated as Mother's Day. These two days coincide in Thailand.

Do 'like' my Koh Samui blog Facebook page and don't forget to use my Camille's Samui hotel recommendation blog and my Camille's Thailand hotel recommendation blog for all your hotel bookings on Koh Samui and around Thailand. By doing so, you will support my blog. Thanks folks! 


Tuesday 11 August 2015

Koh Samui, Thailand daily weather update; 11th August, 2015

Today's weather;

It's partially cloudy this morning around Koh Samui and I expect it to clear up later today and we may enjoy blue skies and a hot day. Current temp at 7am is 26.8C

Koh Samui, Thailand daily weather update; 11th August, 2015

Earlier this week I met with members of a box jelly fish work group (click on the link to see a blog of the meeting) at Bandon Hospital. The work group is government funded and they're on Koh Samui for setting up networks and raising awareness about box jelly fish and will visit Koh Phangan as well, where recently a 31 year old Thai woman passed away after a box jelly fish encounter

Yesterday started out with a light cloud cover and slowly this turned into a nice blue sky with just a few isolated clouds. This was the first blue sky we enjoyed this month! Max temp reached 33,8C

The forecast is looking good, hardly any wind, mostly sunny skies and maybe a very isolated tropical shower. Towards the end of this ten day period, there may be some wind coming back up again.

Do 'like' my Koh Samui blog Facebook page and don't forget to use my Camille's Samui hotel recommendation blog and my Camille's Thailand hotel recommendation blog for all your hotel bookings on Koh Samui and around Thailand. By doing so, you will support my blog. Thanks folks! 


Monday 10 August 2015

Koh Samui, Thailand daily weather update; 10th August, 2015

Today's weather;

There's a light cloud cover this morning hanging over Koh Samui and I expect this to lift and make some room for a sunnier sky alter this morning. Current temp at 7am is 25.8C

Koh Samui, Thailand daily weather update; 10th August, 2015

The small, winding and pittoresque hill road leading you up to Khow Tanim and the Magic Garden

Yesterday started out very cloudy and we had our daily shower around noon with some hard rain. After that is cleared up a little bit but there wasn't too much sun around. Max temp reached 32C

The forecast is looking nice for the next ten days, we should have sunny days with occasionally some wind nad a rare shower. It looks like August is about to shape up.

Do 'like' my Koh Samui blog Facebook page and don't forget to use my Camille's Samui hotel recommendation blog and my Camille's Thailand hotel recommendation blog for all your hotel bookings on Koh Samui and around Thailand. By doing so, you will support my blog. Thanks folks! 


Sunday 9 August 2015

Koh Samui, Thailand daily weather update; 9th August, 2015

Today's weather;

It's grey and cloudy over Koh Samui this morning with rain in the air. Current temp at 7am is 25.8C

Koh Samui, Thailand daily weather update; 9th August, 2015

The road in front of our house in Plai Laem

Yesterday saw a surprisingly sunny morning after all, with the daily shower around 1.30pm followed by sunnier skies again and a couple of very strong wind hoses in the early evening. Max temp reached 28.5C

The forecast shows the last bits of hard wind today and tomorrow, with some rain possibly today. After that we should have hardly any wind at all and dry and sunny days ahead of us. Just like how August should be.

Do 'like' my Koh Samui blog Facebook page and don't forget to use my Camille's Samui hotel recommendation blog and my Camille's Thailand hotel recommendation blog for all your hotel bookings on Koh Samui and around Thailand. By doing so, you will support my blog. Thanks folks! 


Saturday 8 August 2015

Koh Samui, Thailand daily weather update; 8th August, 2015

Today's weather;

We have a cloud cover this morning over Koh Samui but the sun is trying to break through and creates small blue pockets in the cloud cover. It will clear up more and should stay dry today. Current temp at 7am is 25.9C

Koh Samui, Thailand daily weather update; 8th August, 2015

Bang Rak beach road with the infamous overground cables which you can find all over Thailand

Yesterday saw a fairly nice and sunny morning but around 1.30pm the by now almost daily tropical shower came by for a short and refreshing downpour, accompanied by some wind. This was a real short shower though. Max temp reached 32C

The forecast has drastically changed for the better! The strong wind should be gone by Monday morning and it should be cloudy with plenty of sunny moments and mostly dry. Enjoy this more common August weather and get the sun lotion out!

Do 'like' my Koh Samui blog Facebook page and don't forget to use my Camille's Samui hotel recommendation blog and my Camille's Thailand hotel recommendation blog for all your hotel bookings on Koh Samui and around Thailand. By doing so, you will support my blog. Thanks folks! 


Friday 7 August 2015

Counterfeit 500.-THB notes in circulation on Koh Samui

There are currently various reports circulating about counterfeit 500.-THB notes in circulation on Koh Samui. Various banks on Koh Samui are aware of the situation and ask you to be vigilant when accepting payment or change.

Counterfeit 500.-THB notes in circulation on Koh Samui

The new 500.-THB note and it's security features, unfortunately there's no description yet of the differences between the original and the counterfeit notes, be vigilant!

Counterfeit 500.-THB notes in circulation on Koh Samui

A picture and counterfeit marks of the 'old' 500.-THB note

Be careful and vigilant when handling 500.-THB notes, when you receive them or when you still have some yourself.

Do 'like' my Koh Samui blog Facebook page and don't forget to use my Camille's Samui hotel recommendation blog and my Camille's Thailand hotel recommendation blog for all your hotel bookings on Koh Samui and around Thailand. By doing so, you will support my blog. Thanks folks! 
