Saturday, 11 April 2009

Easter 2009

Easter 2009

In the Netherlands that means that if you put a garden and coloured eggs together, you have a children's party! That's just what we had today. The Easter tradition!

The weather is playing nicely along and it has remained dry right up till now, let's cross our fingers for more dry weather.

We had a table with some food and the coloured Easter eggs (bottom left on the table), invited a handful of kids and their parents, mostly family, and off they went, looking for the hidden eggs.

The kids love it each year, it's great to see how the Thai kids just join in and enjoy it as much as our kids. 30 some eggs were recovered in no time!

We have been doing this for the past 4 years, including this year, just so my kids get used to the Dutch traditions. The same reason we have a Christmas tree.
Oh yeah, my kids love typical Dutch food like cheese, Thais in general don't like cheese, it's to salty for them and they didn't grow up on dairy products like we do in the West.
They also love typical Dutch food like 'stroop' or apple syrup, stroopwafels and speculaas.

Another 'paasfeest' or Easter done and over with, the kids are already looking forward to their next Easter egg hunt and the fun isn't over yet, since in two days we will have the Thai New Years celebration, better known as Songkran.



Ayesha said...

Hi Camille

I have been checking everyday! Looks like the weather is slowly clearing up.
Will comtinue to check until i arrive on the island on the 25th.

Happy Easter.


Camille Lemmens said...

Thanks Ayesha,

Happy Easter to you too!

It's been dry today so far!

Mike said...

Camille a great tradition, good Dutch cheese and sunshine. I guess you and the kids were happy.

Happy Easter

Camille Lemmens said...

Hi Mike,

Althoug we celebrated Easter without cheese, we still had a great time, especially the kids!