Tuesday 22 November 2011

Koh Samui, Thailand daily weather update; 22nd November, 2011

Today's weather;

Koh Samui's sky looks like rain is in the making this morning, with likely more to follow during the day to follow. There are currently still a few isolated blue spots but dark, grey and wet clouds dominate the skyline. Current temp at 7am is 28C

Yesterday saw rain in the early morning but after 8am the sun broke through and it was a surprising sunny day for the rest of yesterday. Max temp reached 30.2C

The forecast for Samui is more or less non stop rain until Friday afternoon, when things start turning around and the sun shows up again. Thursday morning may have some strong wind.

Dodging early rush hour traffic at the main street on Gili Air on the way to work

Gili Air is baking in the sun again. The sun is out and about and it's very hot here, during the day time the quicksilver must go up in the mid thirties Celsius. Yesterday saw also a very warm and sunny day.

Back in Thailand the Bangpa-in industrial estate has been cleaned and is back in production again. The water has been tested again for pollution and contamination levels though.

It seems that the flood is slowly receding and news on it it also slowly fading into the back ground. It's till fine though to book your hotel accommodation for travel and holiday through my Koh Samui hotel recommendation blog and my Thailand hotel recommendation blog. Thanks!


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