Friday 31 July 2015

Goodbye to July 2015

It's the end of another month and time to say goodbye to July 2015. This July version was just like the two previous ones, not a very good July when it comes down to the weather.

Despite having had some sunny and nice days, the majority of this years July days were wet and sometimes even with very strong wind, especially the first half of this month.

Goodbye to July 2015

Aerial view of Bang Rak and it's bay during landing at Samui airport

It was not a very busy month for me at work, almost a tradition in July, and I was able to spent time at home all month long, which is nice for a chance. I did go back to work on Samui though, and worked as a dive instructor, conducting various PADI DSD programs towards the end of the month.

Furthermore there was the yearly Kila Amphur event, where our two eldest children participated. Most of the time this month however,  was spent at home! Due to an injury there was no running and no events I participated in, although there were a few that I would have gone to, if I would have been injury free. These races have to wait until next year!

Hope you enjoyed this month and I'm already looking forward to August, which seems to have turbulent weather beginning of the month for us!

Do 'like' my Koh Samui blog Facebook page and don't forget to use my Camille's Samui hotel recommendation blog and my Camille's Thailand hotel recommendation blog for all your hotel bookings on Koh Samui and around Thailand. By doing so, you will support my blog. Thanks folks! 


Koh Samui, Thailand daily weather update; 31st July, 2015

Today's weather;

It's cloudy and it doesn't look like the sun is coming out to play today around Koh Samui, at least not until later during the afternoon. Current temp at 7am is 25.7C

Today is Wan Khao Phansa (วันเข้าพรรษา) or the Buddhist Lent Day.

Koh Samui, Thailand daily weather update; 31st July, 2015

Ghost town in Plai Laem, remains of one of the first big real estate projects on Koh Samui at the beginning of this century, that went completely upside down and as a result, there are vast areas with uncompleted bungalows in various degree of construction

Yesterday saw a cloudy morning, followed by a few sunbeams during the afternoon and there was also a visit of the hard, fast and furious rain again, this time around 6pm, with some hard wind and strong rain. Max temp reached 32C

The forecast is not developing nicely for the next ten days, up until mid next week it's still looking fine, but by mid next week the wind is supposed to pick up and by next weekend, there should be very strong winds accompanied by lots rain. Not your typical August weather at all.

Do 'like' my Koh Samui blog Facebook page and don't forget to use my Camille's Samui hotel recommendation blog and my Camille's Thailand hotel recommendation blog for all your hotel bookings on Koh Samui and around Thailand. By doing so, you will support my blog. Thanks folks! 


Thursday 30 July 2015

Asanha Puja or Asarnha Bucha

Today is Asanha Puja or Asarnha Bucha day (อาสาฬหบูชา) all around Thailand. This is a Theravada Buddhist festival which typically takes place in July, on the full moon of the eighth lunar month. On this occasion Buddha’s first sermon in which he set out to his five former associates the doctrine that had come to him following his enlightenment in the Deer Park in Benares and the founding of the Buddhist sangha is celebrated.

Asanha Puja or Asarnha Bucha

This first pivotal sermon, often referred to as “setting into motion the wheel of dharma,” is the teaching which is encapsulated for Buddhists in the four noble truths: there is suffering (dukkha); suffering is caused by craving (tanha); there is a state (nirvana) beyond suffering and craving; and finally, the way to nirvana is via the eightfold path. All the various schools and traditions of Buddhism revolve around the central doctrine of the four noble truths.

This first sermon is not only the first structured discourse given by the Buddha after his enlightenment, it also contains the essence of all his subsequent teaching. At the end of the talk, one of the five participants recounted his understanding of what had been said and asked to be received as a disciple, a request the Buddha granted, thus establishing the first order of monks.

Tomorrow is Wan Khao Phansa (วันเข้าพรรษา) or the Buddhist Lent Day, when the monks remain in one place, typically in a temple for a long period of time.

Tonight there will be the walk around the Bot of the various Temples in Thailand, at 7pm, something well worth checking when local people walk three times around the Bot in a temple.

Do 'like' my Koh Samui blog Facebook page and don't forget to use my Camille's Samui hotel recommendation blog and my Camille's Thailand hotel recommendation blog for all your hotel bookings on Koh Samui and around Thailand. By doing so, you will support my blog. Thanks folks! 


Koh Samui, Thailand daily weather update; 30th July, 2015

Today's weather;

It's cloudy this morning around Koh Samui but the sun is heating up and trying to break through the cloud cover. later today I do expect some rain though. Current temp at 8am is 28.9C
Today is also Asarnha Bucha Day all around Thailand.

Koh Samui, Thailand daily weather update; 30th July, 2015

Until 6th August, daily buffalo fights can be witnessed in a Chaweng buffalo fight stadium. This is a typical Southern Thai and Samui tradition. There's only one fight per day.

Yesterday saw a cloudy morning, hard, fats and furious rain around noon for about an hour and a sunny later afternoon. Max temp reached 31.5C

The forecast keeps changing, it remains a mix between cloudy and sunny skies but after the weekend the wind starts to pick up again and the first August weekend might have some serious strong wind and some hard showers. It's still far ahead of us, so possible to change again. We'll keep an eye on this development.

Do 'like' my Koh Samui blog Facebook page and don't forget to use my Camille's Samui hotel recommendation blog and my Camille's Thailand hotel recommendation blog for all your hotel bookings on Koh Samui and around Thailand. By doing so, you will support my blog. Thanks folks! 


Wednesday 29 July 2015

Koh Samui, Thailand daily weather update; 28th July, 2015

Today's weather;

It's cloudy again this morning, with isolated and small blue spots in the sky over Koh Samui. Current temp at 7am is 25.5C

Koh Samui, Thailand daily weather update; 28th July, 2015

A print shop in Plai Laem, what would Thailand be without it's gazillion sign boards all over the place! You can find a print shop in even the smallest village

Yesterday saw clouds around the island all day long but over the middle of Koh Samui was this big patch of blue sky. Max temp reached 32C

The forecast is changing again, up to the weekend we may have fairly sunny days, with clouds moving in over the weekend and wind coming up after the weekend.

Do 'like' my Koh Samui blog Facebook page and don't forget to use my Camille's Samui hotel recommendation blog and my Camille's Thailand hotel recommendation blog for all your hotel bookings on Koh Samui and around Thailand. By doing so, you will support my blog. Thanks folks! 


Tuesday 28 July 2015

Koh Samui, Thailand daily weather update; 28th July, 2015

Today's weather;

It's cloudy this morning all around Koh Samui with a big patch of blue sky on top if the island. Current temp at 7am is 25.2C

Koh Samui, Thailand daily weather update; 28th July, 2015

The Thai and the King's flag on top of the dive boat in the Gulf of Thailand

Yesterday saw a fairly cloudy morning followed by a nice and sunny afternoon. Max temp reached 32C

The forecast changed slightly for the next ten days, the next couple of days may see some more sunshine but the chances of a tropical shower also increased a bit.

Do 'like' my Koh Samui blog Facebook page and don't forget to use my Camille's Samui hotel recommendation blog and my Camille's Thailand hotel recommendation blog for all your hotel bookings on Koh Samui and around Thailand. By doing so, you will support my blog. Thanks folks! 


Monday 27 July 2015

Koh Samui, Thailand daily weather update; 27th July, 2015

Today's weather;

It's cloudy over Koh Samui so early in the morning but it looks like it may clear up later today, especially during the afternoon. Current temp at 7am is 25.7C

Koh Samui, Thailand daily weather update; 27th July, 2015

Ready for take off at Samui airport

Yesterday saw a mostly cloudy sky with occasional blue spots in it. There was sunshine but not all day long. It felt warm though. Around 7pm we had a strong wind with some rain. Max temp reached 33C

The forecast predicts more sunny moments for the next ten days, although there still will be plenty of cloud cover with an option of an occasional tropical shower, like yesterday evening, although the showers seem to become less.

Do 'like' my Koh Samui blog Facebook page and don't forget to use my Camille's Samui hotel recommendation blog and my Camille's Thailand hotel recommendation blog for all your hotel bookings on Koh Samui and around Thailand. By doing so, you will support my blog. Thanks folks! 


Sunday 26 July 2015

Koh Samui, Thailand daily weather update; 26th July, 2015

Today's weather;

It's cloudy over Koh Samui this morning with some blue spots in the sky. The sun will heat up and some of the clouds will most likely evaporate. Especially the later afternoon may see some blue skies. Current temp at 7am is 26.6C but it feels already a lot warmer.

Koh Samui, Thailand daily weather update; 26th July, 2015

Sunset yesterday at one of the Bang Rak piers

Yesterday started out cloudy with some sunshine soon after, however, later during the morning and the afternoon turned out to be mostly cloudy but it was still very warm all day long. Max temp reached 33.2C

The forecast hasn't changed much, except that we may have a bit more sunshine than yesterday's prediction for the next ten days. Make sure to bring your sun lotion, wherever you go on the island.

Do 'like' my Koh Samui blog Facebook page and don't forget to use my Camille's Samui hotel recommendation blog and my Camille's Thailand hotel recommendation blog for all your hotel bookings on Koh Samui and around Thailand. By doing so, you will support my blog. Thanks folks! 


Saturday 25 July 2015

Koh Samui, Thailand daily weather update; 25th July, 2015

Today's weather;

There's a thin cloud layer hanging over Koh Samui this morning, which I expect to break up once the sun starts to heat up. The sun will have to work harder compared to yesterday, since today's cloud layer is thicker, but during the morning, the sun will  hopefully start to work it's magic. Current temp at 7am is 26C

Koh Samui, Thailand daily weather update; 25th July, 2015

Closing in on sunset yesterday on Koh Samui near Big Buddha

Yesterday saw mostly a sunny day with some cloud formations. It felt a lot warmer than the thermometer announced with a max temp of 32C

The forecast hasn't changed much, mostly cloudy days are predicted over the next ten days but there should also be plenty of sunshine and still a rare chance of a tropical shower.

Do 'like' my Koh Samui blog Facebook page and don't forget to use my Camille's Samui hotel recommendation blog and my Camille's Thailand hotel recommendation blog for all your hotel bookings on Koh Samui and around Thailand. By doing so, you will support my blog. Thanks folks! 


Friday 24 July 2015

Koh Samui, Thailand daily weather update; 24th July, 2015

Today's weather;

It's partially cloudy this morning over Koh Samui with a hazy cloud layer that may be evaporated once the sun starts to heat up. I expect a fairly sunny sky and high temperatures today. better get that sun lotion out! Current temp at 7am is 27.8C

Koh Samui, Thailand daily weather update; 24th July, 2015

At the same location as where the Kila Amphur is held this week, there's also this very small shrine in order to make 'tamboon' or prey, with two statues of an elderly male and female person

Yesterday saw another very warm day with hazy but sunny skies. Max temp reached 32C although it felt a lot warmer!

The forecast predicts blue skies during the afternoon but cloudy skies until the first weekend of August. From there on the clouds may disappear and until than, despite the prediction, expect some sunny moments as well!

Don't forget to use my Camille's Samui hotel recommendation blog and my Camille's Thailand hotel recommendation blog for all your hotel bookings on Koh Samui and around Thailand. By doing so, you will support my blog. Thanks folks! 


Thursday 23 July 2015

Kila Amphur Koh Samui 2015

Kila Amphur Koh Samui 2015

Today is already the first day of the Kila Amphur Koh Samui 2015. Tuesday the Anuban, the young kids aged four to seven had their day of showing off their skills and yesterday the first of three days for the 7 and older had their moments of glory!

Kila Amphur Koh Samui 2015

Kila Amphur Koh Samui 2015; A drum band in Navy style uniforms, waiting and doing their hair

Our oldest two children participate each year, although I don't always have time to go and see the event, due to work commitments. By now it's about my sixth Kila Amphur that I visit. It's held all over the country but each province may have different dates when it's organized.

Kila Amphur Koh Samui 2015

Kila Amphur Koh Samui 2015; Always showing the love for Thailand

Each year it's an early start for the make up to be put on, the hair to be styled and uniforms to be fitted. This year the alarm was set at 2am. By 7am we left the house just to get stuck in the yearly traffic jam but we were all ready to 'rock & roll' shortly after 8am.

Kila Amphur Koh Samui 2015

Kila Amphur Koh Samui 2015; Time to call Saul, whiplash victims are visiting the Kila Amphur. Sometimes the teachers come up with some very strange clothing styles, these girls necks were covered in white neck bands, almost making it look like they were whiplash victims

Our children were in slot seven of all schools, which is still good and means an early start and almost as important, a fairly early time to go back home again, around noon.

Kila Amphur Koh Samui 2015

Kila Amphur Koh Samui 2015; The Stasi (former East German secret police) was also there; A teacher, completely covered up for sun protection.

It was fun and due the unexpected sunny skies, it was hot! Plenty of schools lined up their best dresses and acts, and the acts mean the drum major shows. Our eldest daughter was in a combined 'pact' of three schools, her own Bophud school, together with the Plai Laem and Bang Rak schools.

Kila Amphur Koh Samui 2015

Kila Amphur Koh Samui 2015; Really, and what is this supposed to be?

After yesterdays parade, the 'games' started. Sporting events were scheduled for yesterday afternoon, today and tomorrow, mainly consisting of athletic competitions like track running, jumping and the like.

Kila Amphur Koh Samui 2015

Kila Amphur Koh Samui 2015; Part of the parade ground

Hope you enjoyed this blog, you can check older versions from 2010, 2012 or 2014 by clicking on the links.

Please do 'like' my Koh Samui blog Facebook page and enjoy the beaches around the island or in front of your hotel or resort and get some well deserved rest and a break. If you're done resting or need something else to do, there's plenty of things on offer on and around Koh Samui, you can go snorkeling or diving or take a dive course. You can also enjoy some of the trips I recommend, like a half day gourmet lunch and snorkeling trip at the Southern part of Koh Samui or a photography trip where you get to see the most photo genetic spots on the island or go for a drinks tasting tour if you like a tipple or two.

Contact me for more detailed information on any of the options mentioned.

If you like to donate to this blog, use this secure link PayPal.Me/CamilleLemmens.


Updated 22nd July 2017

Koh Samui, Thailand daily weather update; 23rd July, 2015

Today's weather;

It's partially clouded again over Koh Samui this morning with plenty of blue spots and most likely the sun will burn off most of the clouds, so you may as well start preparing for a warm day. Currently it's nice and coll with a temp of 26.8C at 7am

Koh Samui, Thailand daily weather update; 23rd July, 2015

The start of the Kila Amphur Koh Samui 2015 yesterday, a view over the ground

Yesterday saw a partially cloudy start of the day but very early on the sun took over and we enjoyed very sunny and blue skies for the remainder of the day and it turned hot. Max temp reached 31C

The forecast predicts mostly cloudy skies although I would expect a bit if sun peeking through. The chances of a tropical shower seem to have diminished.

Don't forget to use my Camille's Samui hotel recommendation blog and my Camille's Thailand hotel recommendation blog for all your hotel bookings on Koh Samui and around Thailand. By doing so, you will support my blog. Thanks folks!


Wednesday 22 July 2015

Koh Samui, Thailand daily weather update; 22nd July, 2015

Today's weather;

It's partially cloudy this morning around Koh Samui but,.........there's also plenty of blue sky around. It looks like it's going to be a sunny and possibly a warm day. Current temp at 7am is 25.5C

Koh Samui, Thailand daily weather update; 22nd July, 2015

The Bophud school has a new roofed area where the children can practice for events, like the Kila Amphur, which starts today on Koh Samui

Yesterday saw a dry but cloudy day. Not much sunshine was to be enjoyed with a max temp 30C

The forecast is predicting cloudy and mostly dry days for the next ten days. I do expect some sunshine though, so enjoy the cooler days ahead of us.

Don't forget to use my Camille's Samui hotel recommendation blog and my Camille's Thailand hotel recommendation blog for all your hotel bookings on Koh Samui and around Thailand. By doing so, you will support my blog. Thanks folks!


Tuesday 21 July 2015

Koh Samui, Thailand daily weather update; 21st July, 2015

Today's weather;

It's mostly cloudy with a few very isolated and small blue pockets or two over Koh Samui this morning. It may clear up a little bit and some sunshine may come our way but it looks like it will remain mostly cloudy. Current temp at 7am is 24.3C

Koh Samui, Thailand daily weather update; 21st July, 2015

Late afternoon yesterday, view over the Gulf of Thailand between Koh Samui and Koh Phangan, a nice partially clouded sky with a big, dark storm brewing in the background

Yesterday saw a wet start of the day with grey and dark clouds but during the day the cloud cover partially broke up and we had some sunshine. However, the later afternoon / early evening around 6pm brought a storm like rain shower with some very strong wind and hard rain. It continued to drizzle for a while after the storm like shower had passed. Max temp reached 30.9C

The forecast predicts mostly cloudy skies for the next ten days although I do expect sunny moments but also some tropical showers.

Don't forget to use my Camille's Samui hotel recommendation blog and my Camille's Thailand hotel recommendation blog for all your hotel bookings on Koh Samui and around Thailand. By doing so, you will support my blog. Thanks folks! 


Monday 20 July 2015

Koh Samui, Thailand daily weather update; 20th July, 2015

Today's weather;

There's plenty of overcast over Koh Samui this this morning with not much chance of the clouds moving away or for some sunshine later during the day. At this moment I would rather expect some early morning rain to top it off. Current temp at 7am is 23.4C

Koh Samui, Thailand daily weather update; 20th July, 2015

Fisherman's Village, opposite the Wharf, around 1pm when the rain started

Yesterday saw mostly overcast, the whole day through, the sun did not really manage to break through. Between noon and 1pm the island was struck by very heavy clouds and some very hard rain, which locally caused some serious flash flooding, like at Chaweng beach road, where at some parts the water level reached about half a meter for a short while.
It drizzled on for almost all afternoon and into the evening and the night even brought some more rain. There was a minimum of 22mm of rain yesterday and the max temp just reached 30C

The forecast predicts some rain this coming evening and night again but come Wednesday we might have the sun back for a few moments. Most likely it will be cloudy at most times of the day with a possible tropical shower but the sun may join the party as well at times.

Don't forget to use my Camille's Samui hotel recommendation blog and my Camille's Thailand hotel recommendation blog for all your hotel bookings on Koh Samui and around Thailand. By doing so, you will support my blog. Thanks folks! 


CX7 Samui Adventure Race, 26th September 2015

There's a new and seemingly big sporting event coming to Koh Samui, the CX7 Samui Adventure Race, 26th September 2015

Not many details are known at this stage, but it seems that between 25th and 27th there will be activities arranged on Koh Samui by a company called CX7 with seemingly the highlight being the Adventure Race being held on Sunday 26th September. If we can go by the video below, it looks exciting and once I have more information, I will let you know accordingly.

Don't forget to use my Camille's Samui hotel recommendation blog and my Camille's Thailand hotel recommendation blog for all your hotel bookings on Koh Samui and around Thailand. By doing so, you will support my blog. Thanks folks! 


Sunday 19 July 2015

Koh Samui, Thailand daily weather update; 19th July, 2015

Today's weather;

There's a thin cloud layer hanging over Koh Samui this morning but there are also small blue pockets in the cloud layer. Later this morning I expect the sun to break through but during the afternoon we may get some rain. Current temp at 7am is 27C

Koh Samui, Thailand daily weather update; 19th July, 2015

The entrance are of Magic Garden on Khow Tanim. The small green building on the left is where you can buy the tickets, the bigger building in the background is a place where you can buy drinks. I can highly recommend a visit to the Magic Garden, including an awe inspiring climb to the top of the hill/mountain of Khow Tanim

Yesterday saw a cloudy start of the day but the sun broke through fairly early and we enjoyed some sunshine in a hazy sky. Around 4pm we had some showers around the island, varying in strength and amount of rain that came down at the various areas around Samui. Chaweng took a nice hit with some very dark clouds passing by. Max temp reached 22.9C

The forecast is predicting mostly cloudy skies for the next ten days but some days we may see some easing up on these clouds and I expect sunshine in various degrees and length of time on almost every day, with always the odd chance of a tropical shower, 

Don't forget to use my Camille's Samui hotel recommendation blog and my Camille's Thailand hotel recommendation blog for all your hotel bookings on Koh Samui and around Thailand. By doing so, you will support my blog. Thanks folks! 


Saturday 18 July 2015

Koh Samui, Thailand daily weather update; 18th July, 2015

Today's weather;

There's a thin hazy cloud layer over Koh Samui this morning and I expect the layer to disappear once the sun heats up and it may become fairly sunny and warm today. Current temp at 7am is already 28.5C

Koh Samui, Thailand daily weather update; 18th July, 2015

The Gulf of Thailand with Koh Samui disappearing in the background

Yesterday saw a cloudy start of the day but during the later morning and early afternoon it cleared up a little bit and we had a few sunny moments. Not too much, but at least a bit and the wind is gone. Max temp reached 33.9C

The forecast predicts mostly cloudy skies for the next ten days with possibly a tropical shower over the weekend and a slight re-appearance of a lighter shade of wind on Monday and Tuesday. I would also expect sunny moments, talking out of my own experience.

Don't forget to use my Camille's Samui hotel recommendation blog and my Camille's Thailand hotel recommendation blog for all your hotel bookings on Koh Samui and around Thailand. By doing so, you will support my blog. Thanks folks! 


Friday 17 July 2015

Koh Samui, Thailand daily weather update; 17th July, 2015

Today's weather;

It's very cloudy this morning over Koh Samui with hardly any wind and it's likely to stay that way for the remainder of the day. Current temp at 7am is 26.6C

Koh Samui, Thailand daily weather update; 17th July, 2015

The remains of a truck, used for transporting coconuts, at the lovely Ban Bang Khao area of Southern Koh Samui. This part of the island is well worth a visit. Here you can still find quiet beaches and tranquility, more in the veins of the original Koh Samui.

Yesterday started out with a cloudy sky but during the morning the sun got the upper hand and it became very sunny and warm. Max temp reached 33C

The forecast predicts cloudy skies for the next ten days with an occasional shower. Let's hope we get to see some good old sunshine during this period as well.

Don't forget to use my Camille's Samui hotel recommendation blog and my Camille's Thailand hotel recommendation blog for all your hotel bookings on Koh Samui and around Thailand. By doing so, you will support my blog. Thanks folks! 


Thursday 16 July 2015

Koh Samui, Thailand daily weather update; 16th July, 2015

Today's weather;

The sky over Koh Samui is cloudy again, with an occasional small break, in the form of a blue spot.  There may be a little bit of sunshine breaking through later today. Current temp at 7am is 27.2C

Koh Samui, Thailand daily weather update; 16th July, 2015

A statue near the entrance to Magic Garden, an attraction well worth checking out , not the least because of it's location on top of Khow Tanim

Yesterday saw mostly a cloudy day with occasional breaks when the sun shone through, It stayed dry at our part of the island, despite some threatening dark cloud formations during the late afternoon and there was some very hard wind blowing during the afternoon. Max temp reached 30.9C

The forecast has now drastically changed, all strong wind has evaporated and is off the predication charts for the next ten days. Rain doesn't look too likely, besides an occasional tropical shower but the cloud cover seems to stick around for most of the current predicted ten day forecast.

Don't forget to use my Camille's Samui hotel recommendation blog and my Camille's Thailand hotel recommendation blog for all your hotel bookings on Koh Samui and around Thailand. By doing so, you will support my blog. Thanks folks! 


Wednesday 15 July 2015

Koh Samui, Thailand daily weather update; 15th July, 2015

Today's weather;

It's mostly cloudy over Koh Samui and we're experiencing the last batches of strong wind today and tonight. The afternoon may bring us some rain. Current temp at 7am is 26.6C

Koh Samui, Thailand daily weather update; 15th July, 2015

This time of the year can have some serious low tide, here's a picture of low tide last week in Nathon at the beach road

Yesterday saw a mostly cloudy day with occasional bouts of sunshine and it remained dry in our part of the island, the north eastern corner of Samui, although there were some very dark and threatening clouds around 4pm, which may have brought rain to other parts of the island. Max temp reached 32C

The forecast predicts steady cloud cover with occasionally some rain and the wind is dropping over the next ten days.

Don't forget to use my Camille's Samui hotel recommendation blog and my Camille's Thailand hotel recommendation blog for all your hotel bookings on Koh Samui and around Thailand. By doing so, you will support my blog. Thanks folks! 


Tuesday 14 July 2015

Koh Samui, Thailand daily weather update; 14th July, 2015

Today's weather;

It's cloudy this morning over Koh Samui and the sun can't make more than a very watery dent into the clouds at this moment. I expect it to remain mostly cloudy today. Current temp at 7am is 26.8C

Koh Samui, Thailand daily weather update; 14th July, 2015

Yesterday's height of the 6pm storm, which caused a very local power outage until 11pm in a small area of Plai Laem, including our house. The two plastic chairs on the road indicate a hole in the road, covered by water

Yesterday saw a mostly cloudy but hot day. The sun shone through occasionally, for very short bursts. Max temp reached 34C

The forecast shows the last day of strong wind, in the middle of this coming night, after that the wind should ease away. There's no break though in the cloud cover, in contrast to earlier reports, the cloud cover remains pretty much solid for the next ten days with possible showers tomorrow and Saturday afternoon/early evening.

Don't forget to use my Camille's Samui hotel recommendation blog and my Camille's Thailand hotel recommendation blog for all your hotel bookings on Koh Samui and around Thailand. By doing so, you will support my blog. Thanks folks! 


Monday 13 July 2015

Koh Samui, Thailand daily weather update; 13th July, 2015

Today's weather;

It's cloudy this morning over Koh Samui and it looks like it might stay this way, although the sun tries to break though.. Right now there's no wind to speak of but that may change as well later during the day. Current temp at 7am is 27.5C

Koh Samui, Thailand daily weather update; 13th July, 2015

Two monkeys on a motorbike near Nathon. These kind of monkeys are being used to harvest coconuts from the trees, a very old Koh Samui tradition.

Yesterday turned out to be a very nice and mostly sunny day with a fairly strong breeze all day long. Max temp reached 33C

The forecast predicts one more time some strong wind tomorrow during the afternoon and night and then slowly taper off. At this moment it doesn't look like we will have a lot of sunshine after Wednesday though.

Don't forget to use my Camille's Samui hotel recommendation blog and my Camille's Thailand hotel recommendation blog for all your hotel bookings on Koh Samui and around Thailand. By doing so, you will support my blog. Thanks folks! 


Sunday 12 July 2015

Koh Samui, Thailand daily weather update; 12th July, 2015

Today's weather;

It's partially cloudy this morning over Koh Samui with already plenty of sunshine and once the sun heats up, I expect more blue than cloudy skies for the remainder of the day. Current temp at 7am is 27.5C

Koh Samui, Thailand daily weather update; 12th July, 2015

A big, sitting monk statue is being build at Wat Bophud

Yesterday saw a very nice and sunny day around Koh Samui with a few drops during the afternoon and a ma temp of 33C

The forecast remained consistent, mid next week the wind should subside although it may be a little bit more cloudier than previously predicted.

Don't forget to use my Camille's Samui hotel recommendation blog and my Camille's Thailand hotel recommendation blog for all your hotel bookings on Koh Samui and around Thailand. By doing so, you will support my blog. Thanks folks! 


Saturday 11 July 2015

Koh Samui, Thailand daily weather update; 11th July, 2015

Today's weather;

There's still a thin, very flimsy layer of cloud cover in the sky over Koh Samui but the sun is already heating up and shining through and in no time I expect blue skies over the island. Current temp at 7am is 28C

Koh Samui, Thailand daily weather update; 11th July, 2015

A speedboat on fire yesterday morning in front of Bang Rak beach

Yesterday saw mixed nag with on and off some sunshine and some clouds moving in over Koh Samui. It was warm at times and a nice break compared to previous days. Max temp reached a staggering 34.9C

The forecast is still predicting a strong-ish wind, with a dip each around 1pm and with a last strong presence come Wednesday, by next weekend we should hardly have wind anymore and in general, we will have plenty of sunshine over the next ten days.

Don't forget to use my Camille's Samui hotel recommendation blog and my Camille's Thailand hotel recommendation blog for all your hotel bookings on Koh Samui and around Thailand. By doing so, you will support my blog. Thanks folks! 


Friday 10 July 2015

Speedboat on fire in Bang Rak

Around 8am this morning there was speedboat on fire in Bang Rak from the Grand Sea company. It's unclear to me at this point how the boat exactly got on fire, but it resulted in a big fireball.
It seems to be a speedboat that is being used for snorkel trips to Koh Tao or the Ang Thong National Marine Park.

Speedboat on fire in Bang Rak

A thik black smoke column is coming from the speedboat

Alarmed trough Facebook message and a message from a friend, I got to the scene about half an hour later, just to find the boat still on fire but with a big black smoke plume on top of it.

Speedboat on fire in Bang Rak

A close up from the speedboat engines and stern 

All the foam, plastic and everything inside the boat was burning up, creating this massive black plume over Bang Rak bay.

Speedboat on fire in Bang Rak

An overview

At some stage another speedboat approached the boat on fire and managed to tow it away from the beach area, slightly further away into the bay. 

Speedboat on fire in Bang Rak

The speedboat on fire being towed away

This was in my opinion a very courageous act, if we want to give a positive slant on it, since the gas tanks had not exploded yet and could potentially explode any moment, especially considering that the towboat was doing this with the engines in reverse, so nowhere to escape and in very near proximity from the fire and potential explosion. 

Speedboat on fire in Bang Rak

An overview after the boat on fire was towed further into the bay

It's not a daily occurrence and I can only hope that nobody as caught out on the boat when it caught fire. More details will hopefully follow soon.
Stay safe out there!

Don't forget to use my Camille's Samui hotel recommendation blog and my Camille's Thailand hotel recommendation blog for all your hotel bookings on Koh Samui and around Thailand. By doing so, you will support my blog. Thanks folks! Camille

Koh Samui, Thailand daily weather update; 10th July, 2015

Today's weather;

There's a little bit of wind this morning and it seems that the cloud cover is slowly breaking up over Koh Samui. There were already some sunny moment this early in the day and I expect blue-ish skies later today. Current temp at 7am is 26.6C

Koh Samui, Thailand daily weather update; 10th July, 2015

There has been a lot of road construction going on around the island recently, making the roads wider and putting tar on top of the concrete roads. Here's the road leading to the Government hospital in Nathon under construction, being tarred over the next couple of days.

Yesterday saw a cloudy start of the day, soon to be followed during the morning with some sunny moments and some very blue skies during the afternoon. Our daily shower also came along around 7pm. Max temp reached 32.7C

The forecast is at last showing some major changes. The wind will still be there until next weekend but the cloud cover is about to break up and sunnier skies are expected over the next ten days, not immediately all days, but it's a start and late next week should see a lot more sunshine.

Don't forget to use my Camille's Samui hotel recommendation blog and my Camille's Thailand hotel recommendation blog for all your hotel bookings on Koh Samui and around Thailand. By doing so, you will support my blog. Thanks folks! 


Thursday 9 July 2015

Koh Samui, Thailand daily weather update; 9th July, 2015

Today's weather;

This morning finds a solid cloud cover hanging over Koh Samui with a strong early morning wind. Current temp at 7am is 26.9C

Koh Samui, Thailand daily weather update; 9th July, 2015

Is this progress? Sadly enough it is, near Koh Samui hospital in Nathon, aka the Government hospital, an old original wooden house on dug up plot of land, ready to be build upon with more concrete. How about some more townhouses

Yesterday saw a dry and cloudy day with an occasional sun beam and a very light shower around 5pm. Max temp reached 31.5C

The forecast has finally changed a little bit, still strong wind, lots of cloud cover and some showers, but not this weekend but the weekend after that seems to see a relief of all that and the wind may make way and hopefully will allow for some sunnier skies.

Don't forget to use my Camille's Samui hotel recommendation blog and my Camille's Thailand hotel recommendation blog for all your hotel bookings on Koh Samui and around Thailand. By doing so, you will support my blog. Thanks folks! 


Wednesday 8 July 2015

Koh Samui, Thailand daily weather update; 8th July, 2015

Today's weather;

It's very cloudy this morning with currently not too much wind around Koh Samui. Current temp at 7am is 26.9C

Koh Samui, Thailand daily weather update; 8th July, 2015

The football field, or whatever is left of it, at Bophud school. Each day games are played and it's also used as a parking spot to drop off or pick up children and for paid parking during the Friday Walking street

Yesterday saw a mostly cloudy day with the sun occasionally breaking through cloud cover with a bleak shine. Around 5pm it all of sudden turned dark and a few minutes of storm like wind conditions prevailed, accompanied by rain. It drizzled on for a while after the initial wind peak passed. Max temp reached 32.8C

The forecast remained more or less the same, strong wind, cloudy with a possible break over the weekend and some rain after weekend.

Don't forget to use my Camille's Samui hotel recommendation blog and my Camille's Thailand hotel recommendation blog for all your hotel bookings on Koh Samui and around Thailand. By doing so, you will support my blog. Thanks folks! 


Tuesday 7 July 2015

1st Kamalaya Charity Run, September 13

Time to add a new charity run to the Koh Samui running calendar; the 1st Kamalaya Charity Run, September 13, and that's a Sunday. Organised by the Kamalaya Resort.
Start and finish will be at Namuang stadium, the only race track on the island and known for it's yearly school meeting.

1st Kamalaya Charity Run, September 13

Race distances will be a very challenging and hilly 10km as well as a 3km fun run for all.
The registration fee is 350 Baht including a t-shirt, a finishers medal and breakfast. See you all there, am looking forward to this new addition of the Koh Samui race calendar!

1st Kamalaya Charity Run, September 13

Check out this detailed map of the Kamalaya Charity Run; the 10K includes some nice hills at km 2.5 & 4

Don't forget to use my Camille's Samui hotel recommendation blog and my Camille's Thailand hotel recommendation blog for all your hotel bookings on Koh Samui and around Thailand. By doing so, you will support my blog. Thanks folks!


Koh Samui, Thailand daily weather update; 7th July, 2015

Today's weather;

A thick cloud layer is hanging over Koh Samui this morning. Currently there's not much wind but in general we've seen some strong wind over the last couple of days. Current temp at 7am is 27.9C

Koh Samui, Thailand daily weather update; 7th July, 2015

Overgrown bridge at Khow Tanim (Tanim mountain), a very idyllic scenery

Yesterday saw a cloudy day with a fair amount of wind and a tropical shower around 5pm. Max temp reached 32.8C

The forecast remained more or less the same, with some minor changes. It will remain cloudy and windy for the next ten days with some possibility of sun as of Friday for a few days. Early next week we may see some much stronger wind and some more rain, although this may be less then expected, once we get there in real life time.

Don't forget to use my Camille's Samui hotel recommendation blog and my Camille's Thailand hotel recommendation blog for all your hotel bookings on Koh Samui and around Thailand. By doing so, you will support my blog. Thanks folks! 


Monday 6 July 2015

Koh Samui, Thailand daily weather update; 6th July, 2015

Today's weather;

It's cloudy over Koh Samui and today I doubt that we will have a lot of sun or any sun at all. Current temp at 7am is 27.2C 

Koh Samui, Thailand daily weather update; 6th July, 2015

Durian tree at a durian plantation on top of Khow Tanim (Tanim mountain) near the Magic Garden, the durian season is slowing starting up on Samui in contrast to other provinces where it is already in full swing

Yesterday saw a cloudy day with only a rare burst of sunshine and a tropical shower around 6.30pm. Max temp reached 32.6C

The forecast changed a little bit, with regards to the end of this ten day period, in general still lots of strong wind and lots of cloud cover but next Sunday will not be as stormy as predicted yesterday and I expect this to even level out a bit more over the next days

Don't forget to use my Camille's Samui hotel recommendation blog and my Camille's Thailand hotel recommendation blog for all your hotel bookings on Koh Samui and around Thailand. By doing so, you will support my blog. Thanks folks! 


Sunday 5 July 2015

Koh Samui, Thailand daily weather update; 5th July, 2015

Today's weather;

There's a thin cloud layer over Koh Samui this morning and looking back at recent days, it will be no surprise if this cloud layer will evaporate once the sun starts heating up a bit. That would mean that the last seven days have been sunny! The wind has momentarily died down. Current temp at 7am is 28C

Koh Samui, Thailand daily weather update; 5th July, 2015

Yesterday saw a very cloudy start of the day but around 9am the clouds had already evaporated and the sun broke through once more. It was nice and warm with a very, very strong breeze. Max temp reached 34.8C

The forecast is changing ever so slightly, the general tendency is that there still will be strong to very strong wind over the next ten days, with an occasional shower and the current prediction shows very strong wind, almost storm like, as of next Sunday with plenty of rain to accompany the wind. This might easily change once we get nearer to next weekend.

Don't forget to use my Camille's Samui hotel recommendation blog and my Camille's Thailand hotel recommendation blog for all your hotel bookings on Koh Samui and around Thailand. By doing so, you will support my blog. Thanks folks! 
