
Wednesday 22 June 2011

Koh Samui, Thailand daily weather update; 22nd June, 2011

Today's weather;

Koh Samui is enjoying rather typical June weather, hot and sunny with some occasional showers. This morning sees a nice blue sky and it promises to be get hot again. Current temp at 7am is 26.8C

Yesterday saw a very warm day around Samui with some rain during the afternoon. Max temp reached 34.2C

Gili Air main road, just straight of the pier

Gili Air is going steady, the same weather pattern with blue skies and a few clouds prevails here and during the day time it's nice and warm with cooler evenings.

Barracudas at Shark Point, a dive site near Gili Air

A few days ago I went diving around Gili Air and on my dive blog you can see some pictures of the beautiful underwater world and animals that you can spot here.



  1. Great informative site Camille!
    I came across you on Technorati.
    We are heading to Koh Samui next January. We are coming from Canada and very excited about visiting Thailand.
    Will drop by often.
    Please drop by my travel blog when you can at:

  2. Hi, sorry for the hassle. I read your post there and am wondering if you
    can help me. The weather reports shows thunderstorms for the next week.
    Is is all day or short bursts. I arrive in a week or so. Is the cloud cover all day? I am looking to get some serious sun bathing done. Am I hoping for too much?
    Many thanks

  3. Hi Chaz,

    Although it looks stormy according to the weather forecasts, it should be dry, although a tropical shower might occur here and there. In my opinion you will get plenty of time to work on a tan!

  4. Nice to see you here Robert,

    Maybe you want to change links?

  5. sawasdee ka!!
    I come to visit naka...

  6. Hi Lily,

    Welcome and I hope you will enjoy Samui!


Thanks for visiting the original Koh Samui info and weather blog, running since February 2007 by long term resident Camille Lemmens.

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Looking forward to seeing you on Koh Samui!